First detail questions

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Celtic Bob, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    I believe my pads were ordered from Ken? He has been a massive help to me. eShine is a great place, I agree.
  2. Jackal1001

    Jackal1001 Virgin Detailer

    I'd have to recommend Ken's site on this one. The purple ones are great. One side short and the other a bit longer. Here's the description:
    The 5 pack is a great deal.
  3. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    Do you have a direct link?
  4. Jackal1001

    Jackal1001 Virgin Detailer

    Here you go. You can also order in 3 packs or just one.
    Exclusive Plush Towel 5pk
  5. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    Thank you!!!!
  6. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer


    Order Total
    1 Item(s): $19.95
    Shipping: $22.05
    Taxes: $1.00
    TOTAL: $43.00
    Balance: $43.00
  7. Jackal1001

    Jackal1001 Virgin Detailer

    That's a tad much. I tried it and shipping to Toronto is a bit cheaper due to distance.

    1 Item(s): $19.95
    Shipping: $16.95
    Taxes: $1.00
    TOTAL: $37.90
    Balance: $37.90

    I then added a bunch of items such a PL, OPC, P21S wax, Tarminator for kicks and here is what I get. Better to wait for a bigger order and save on shipping.

    5 Item(s): $98.87
    Shipping: $16.95
    Taxes: $4.94
    TOTAL: $120.76
    Balance: $120.76

    How much is shipping from eshine?
  8. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    I have 4 towels, CG's microfiber wash and a foam pad cleaning brush added to eShine cart and shipping is under $15.
  9. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    I applied the CG Blacklight. Let it dry for about 20 min then buffed it with one of the blue microfibers I have here. The tags on them say Super Towel. I think they were purchased at eShine. I am about to start to apply the CG Jetseal. After I apply it and let it dry and I buff it how long should I wait before applying a second coat or waxing with CG's Hardcore paste wax? I am not sure if I should do a 2nd Jetseal or just go straight into the waxing. I am trying to get a deep, wet looking shine to the car. It's a black 2012 Mini Cooper S Countryman All4.
  10. Jackal1001

    Jackal1001 Virgin Detailer

    The directions says to do a 2nd coat. Wait 20 minutes then apply the second coat. Generally it's best to wait overnight for the sealant to cure then apply the wax. Remember to apply that wax thinly so that it's easier to remove and not waste the product.
  11. abscissa

    abscissa Virgin Detailer

    I ordered all my microfibers from Amazon. there are different brands but to name some if the stuff I got from the top of my head: 48 pack of ~300gsm towels for 25 bucks. 10 pack of 650gsm fir 15 bucks. and chemical guys 10 or 12 pack for about 15. Amazon has insanely fast shipping too, as all the towels were from Amazon and not another company. and free shipping at that.
  12. Celtic Bob

    Celtic Bob Two Bucket System Washer

    I applied the Jetseal, let it dry for about a half hour then buffed it off. This morning I will apply a 2nd coat then do a coat of wax before heading out on the road. I will do the 2nd coat of wax next week when I get back along with the wheels and interior. So far the car looks great and I cannot see and swirls.
    Thanks to all that helped me with advice and what to buy and do. I appreciate it.

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