Finally got the hang of M105!!

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Dust2Glory, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Get a sun gun, also alot of the vehicles that are in the shadows can be moved into direct sunlight. If you don't see this then you are just trying to play games, and once again I am not the only saying this.
  2. ehuth1

    ehuth1 Birth of a Detailer

    I got a better idea Asphalt for president... If I recall I never used in aides in my method. But you called me out by saying it couldn't finish down lsp ready... Hmmmm how can you see whats going on in GA or judge my work from Northern VA...?? Your the fish that keeps biting :)
  3. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Once again Ehuth it is very easy to tell how things come out with just the process that is used. Once again I am not the only that agrees and I will not name names unless they want to add something but there are a certain number of us that talk about this all time.

    Glad to see I am keeping you busy, not the only one that uses M105 correctly on here but thanks for the props.
    Also look you resoted to name calling, maybe you should be banned, very adult like on your part.
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Because I am honest and the truth hurts, now you are just digging for stupid stop to make up. Plus it really doesn't mean much coming from someone that doesn't bring anything to the forum as far helping people, but your sure are quick to start something. Just think if you would of quoted me you wouldn't look like an ass right now by calling me an asshole. Next time you need to chose your battles a little more wisely, because if you have to resort to kindergarten name calling you pretty much lost.
  5. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    You're the one that started with the name calling. Perhaps you should go back through this thread and re-read what you've said and heed your own advice. P.S you've helped precisely 0 people with this thread. All you've accomplished today was insulting a number of members that normally may have considered you knowledgeable. Now quite a few think of you as to closed minded to bother with.
  6. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    If they feel that way there is nothing I can do about it, but atleast when I give advice it is correct and truthful. As far as calling you a whiner you are just that anyone that starts an open complaint about a business transaction on their forum is weak, plus some of the things you have posted on here also. plus also we find out that you still have nothing to offer here and now are backing for your above childish remark and action. Like I said above in a post i was trying to offend anyone but if you took offense to it then you know your place in skill level, and just getting tired of misleading advice and info.
  7. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    "We" we who? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Nobody else has a problem with me that they've voiced.

    I also stated SEVERAL TIMES NOW, I asked on AGO about an order I placed (WITH THEM) after it neglected to ship and was AFTER HOURS on that day! The only way to have gotten an answer was to a) post and hope they respond or b) wait until the next business day. Since I had a job lined up that following weekend I had to find out whether or not I could actually DO IT which required me finding out if my order shipped. I fail to see how this is not a legitimate concern? Do you schedule jobs and then just break them at will?
  8. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Can you two take this crap to PMs?
  9. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    No mouse, and trust me there are plenty of people who could do without you on several forums. If you had the slighest bit to offer on here it would be different but that will never happen, plus with the kindergarten name calling I am sure that helped out also on your part. I may cause some conflict but like I have said I have the knowledge to back it up and I don't resort to calling people an asshole when you have nothing left to defend yourself with, like I said when you have to pull the asshole and then make me part of your avator I pretty much got under your skin. Want dont you just quit because now you really have this going nowhere, you have made it personal with the foul language. I believ if you re-read Nicas post I believe he would frown on the way you are acting. Mine atleast has a reason behind it that is directed to make the forum more posiutive than what you are now trying to do.
  10. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    No problem, you are right this is crap. Thanks for trying to put an end to it.
  11. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Here's two pictures of some random C6 (corrected) Vette I found. You can see by the histogram that the light sources are entirely different. What was the detailer in question trying to accomplish here? Notice the angle is entirely off too.

    The first picture most of the light is coming from the right of the camera, where in the second most of the light is coming from the left with a sharp spike in the right (flash?)! It's not quite as an intense light either, which shows us it was likely later in the day. Not to mention one is clearly in the garage and the other is not. Lighting differences HIDE THINGS!

    Attached Files:

  12. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Actually they are pretty close to the sametime, its just one is in my garage and the other is outside, plus its just a point and shoot camera. You just keep grasping for straws don't you.
  13. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Nope. I'm showing you precisely what you were talking about. Here's two photos of a car in different light. How can anyone give this detailer a 'kudos' on that if your specific criteria isn't met? IE same angle and lighting.
  14. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Instead of picking just two of the lot there are alot more. And so you dont get it wrong again its a C6. I give him kudos for owning a beautiful car. Also please find other quality show and shines to they also have these pics and full sun shots. I am glad I am the cause of you wasting your time.
  15. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    None of the other are at the same angle. Same problem.
  16. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    like I said there are full on sunshots and then there are those other angled shots. As long as there are some full on aunshots I have no problem with the pics, but like I said before pics really dont mean much on the internet. Just so you know they were all taken between 1-3 pm if I remember not one in the am or one in the pm. Once again you are doing nothing to support yourself buy not showing the ones that are full sun shots, you are only grabbing the pics that you want to make yourself look like you know what you are talking about. Just bring up the whole post and stop picking and choosing when there is full sun shots. Good bed man this is a losing battle for you, there is nothing left for you to say or play show and tell. You have dug a deep enough hole, stop digging and call it a night.
  17. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I don't exactly see in my statement where I am in agreeance with your statements. I was merely reiterating my previous post in detail stating that no matter what the method/products, it's possible to achieve the same results, which if I remember correctly is exactly what Carlos (Nica) stated.

    You seem to believe otherwise and that there is only one way to use a particular product. Okay so sure you may be right about following directions to the "T" but will anyone really care? For example, do you seriously think clients really care that you didn't follow dilution ratios to the "T" on your car wash soap? Are clients going to tell you how to correctly do an ONR wash. I sure hope not.

    Also, clients pay for the end result and not how a detailer gets there. I'm not condoning any ill-regarded shortcuts but just stating what the average clientele desires. Not all clientele are as picky as us detailers. :giggle:

    To each their own.
  18. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I understand what Nica was saying he was just trying to calm everything down. Once again there is always a right way and a wrong way to do things. Once again since you are not letting this go you must feel you are not doing this right, and you have even stated you can not get M105 to work so why even bother trying to explain your side of things.
  19. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Denzil I don't think its the clients knowledge that is at question here about the process but rather new detailers coming to this forum to learn. If they see things/processes that aren't correct or as some say "short cuts" then you have them going out there trying the stuff. I agree with you 100% about pleasing the customer but I also think that as this forum grows you have people with very little experience coming here to learn and we should be mindful of how we advise.
  20. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Thanks JL, someone else that can understand what I was getting at.
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