Finally got the hang of M105!!

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Dust2Glory, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I tried. Its getting a little carried away now, just a little though.
  2. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I dont need a bombardment tactic on here, just plain facts and truths thats all. I am very honest and blunt, and yes you started by quoting me and now here we are. As far as detailing now I only detailing cars that I want to do, plus I help my firend out at his custom paint shop on weekends. I had a shop in my early 20's got a helluva an offer after four years in business that I couldn't refuse and now I am a service manager at a dealership. So that is why I pick and choose when and what I want to detail.
  3. Gemini13

    Gemini13 Obsessive Detailer

    LOL guys. Its car polish. All this shit is subjective to the individual using it and the environment its being used in. Different set of circumstances for each individual ergo different means to the same end. To try and say someone is wrong and someone is right in how they polish paint as long as what there doing is working for "them" and the results are equal or greater to the person who is doing it in the "right" way makes ZERO sense to me. Now I'm no pro and I'm still very much learning and I've learned something from every vet who's posted in this thread but where I come from if the results are there in the end its not "right" or "wrong" its getting shit done.
  4. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Marked as the most forward thinking post of the YEAR. Bravo.
  5. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Wow, I can't believe you all argued over Dust's technique and M105. It sounds eerily similar to Mr. Menzerna USA.

    Glad to hear you got the hang of M105. Though the way you used it is modified slightly, you still technically got it to work. Don't bother caring what the negative Nancy's say.
  6. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    The pro keep saying the Meg 105 should work with wool with no additional chemicals, well it's for rotary maybe.
    while I am and Dust2Glory keeps mentioning tell us about Flex

    So anybody using Flex +meg105 w/o any more chemicals please stand up:worship2:
  7. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I dont see any arguing going on in here.

    This has been one of the most exciting threads in a long time. :popcorn:
  8. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I agree there was no arguing at all. Just some good ole honest posting.
  9. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    You guys are halirious!!!!! Yes I did use a flex and no i DID NOT want to use a wool pad!!!

    And no offense to anyone, but this was bout ME and how I used M105. I wasn't implying that Meg's was wrong in the way they presented how to use it, nor how Rocketman or Dan the Man suggested how I tweak it to get it to work "RIGHT".

    I just did what "I" needed to do to make it work for "ME" and that's it. If you want to use it a different way then so be it, weather by itself or mixed with something else.

    Detailing in itself is nothing but suggestion on how all aspects of it should be done. There is no ONE AUTHORITY that we all have to live by. There are some certain aspects that we can all agree on, but even those are few and far between... there really isn't any ONE right way. There are many roads that lead to the same destination. As long as you can keep that in your mind, then your path may take different directions as you learn and adapt your skills to that of what someone else is teaching..

    Most importantly, detailing is fun... learning is fun and we all need to keep it that way... PERIOD
  10. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I dont believe anyone was saying theres only one way to use anything.
  11. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Dust I hear what you are saying, but it is funny alot of us top guys that do this, all do the samething and dont mix stuff around and work that given polish to its fullest then there is the rest that want to mix stuff and skip steps. So with that being said I feel there is a certain way to really get the best out a finish, so that says something about who really has the skill and doesn't, and when people that really know what they are talking about are criticized for being haters or not being nice is because like they say the truth hurts. Instead of getting offended by certain individuals that say hey you really need to do that extra step in the middle to make it right they are really trying to help, but instead you have people say no you dont. Plus this is why certain people get paid alot for there work and the rest don't, its all about your skill level and I truely believe that if you have to tweak products to make them work you need to keep practicing, this is not a put down to anyone but it always seems like people on these forums want the easy way out, this stuff takes a little more effort than the easy way out to get the best results. I was lucky i had my friends bodyshop to play around on different paint several years ago and it took me awhile also to get as good as I am with a rotary, and there are alot others out there that are awesome with a rotary too. So the way I see for those that get mad or upset at me, todd, and few others about how things should only shows that you dont know what you are foinf and maybe ought to sit back and try to understand there is a purpose behind what we are saying. Also go look at Rydwag's work, RickRack, GMbalck, they all basically do it the sameway i have mentioned so does Deepgloss, JL, and even 20 year old Dan.
  12. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Man you're a real piece of work.

    Improvisation is part a number of crafts. Do you really think Wolfgang Puck and Emeril got to where they are by following the directions out of some Betty Crocker cookbook?

    NO! They improvised and made stuff that ultimately appealed to their clients.

    This is truly no different. If D2G needs a little OPP in his M105 to give it a longer working time but in the end, has fantastic results and pleases the client he's done his job.

    So you are going to sit there and say the "big guys" only play by the books and do what the instructions tell them to? That's a crock right from the get go. I can think of a number of instances where Bryan (gmblack3) has improvised and shown it on here.

    As I stated before, some polishes are insanely finicky. SIP works great as long as it's not too humid. I can't control the humidity without an enclosed space to work, so I may chose to add something else to help it along or pick up another polish.

    Would anyone not be a "big dog" because they applied Zaino Z2 one day in particularly cool weather and it took 45 minutes to dry versus 30, simply because the instructions say no more than 30 minutes is needed? No. It means that conditions affected the product and we are improvising to get the desired results.
  13. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    You all do realize that most customers really only care about the finished product and not how you get there right? With that in mind, technique is not so much a factor to the client but rather a factor to the detailer him/herself.
  14. richy

    richy Guest

    I didn't make his cut :shead::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:
  15. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I might have to cancel my plans for tonight!
  16. green dimnd

    green dimnd Birth of a Detailer

    "All that matters is the ending, its the most important part of the story." --Johnny Depp
  17. Gemini13

    Gemini13 Obsessive Detailer

    Exactly. What I was trying to say earlier is that there generally are multiple means to get to the same end. Thats why I really don't understand the "wrong" and "right" way of using a particular product. If the results are the same in the end who gives a shit how it was achieved but more importantly should only care that it was achieved. From what I've read on this and other like forums its very much common practice for one to mix two or more products to get a desired result. People mix car wash soaps, APC with soap, make there own wheel cleaner with soap or APC. Were these the intentions of the manufacture when they created said products??? NO! BUT IT WORKS!! So you roll with it. Its not wrong, its not right, it works, period.

  18. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    Me neither.

    Asphalt, I think you need to choose your words a bit more carefully. To just someone who is reading the thread, like myself, you are coming off as arrogant and (IMO) are leaving a bad taste in people's mouths when they read some of the posts you made in this thread.
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well this thread has been reported to me, so now I have to do something. To be honest I really don’t see anything wrong with this thread. The thing that I harp the most here at Detailing Bliss is respect and for the most part most if not all members have showed a certain level of respect to me and to all the other forum members. Having said that I think this thread brings up some really good, valid points. I mean we all have a certain way of detailing, weather it’s correct or not well who am I to say. However, what makes forums great is that if we are willing to listen and take a step back and read properly what other members are sharing with us we can all learn something from it. Here is the way I see detailing, this is just me by the way. But there are two kinds of ‘detailers’. In one hand we have the die hard, multi step process polishing process type of detailer and on the other hand we have the quick one pass get the job done type of detailer. There is no right or wrong way of detailing, what it really comes down to is what are you happy with. I mean we’ve all seen what dealerships can do, I hate to pick on dealerships but I’ll just use them as an example (sorry dealerships nothing against you). Any who on with the point. To me most, if not all dealerships are the quick type, get the job done and move on to the next vehicle type of mentality (again I have no hard feelings to wards dealerships, they too have a purpose in the scheme of things). Members like us here at Detailing Bliss, Detailing World, ect..ect..we are extremely passionate when it comes to detailing and for those members that have spent over 10 or 20 years in the detailing industry feel more compelled to defend there techniques, process, experiences and to be honest they have a right to feel that way, I mean put your self in there shoes, how would you like a young, fresh out of kindergarten school tell a veteran detailer that what he has been doing for the past 10 to 20 years is ‘wrong’. Well here is the thing, detailing is subjective to personal style, taste. I mean it’s really no better then waxes. I personally prefer Vintage over say Souveran, I personally feel Vintage is a better wax, however, that’s just my personal opinion. Another person who’s has had the opportunity to try both waxes may say the opposite, who am I to say that that individual is crazy to even say that Souveran can compete with Vintage…the point here is that there really is no wrong or right way and that even the guys that have been detailing for 10, 20 or 30 years could learn something new from the new generation of detailing. I deal with the old school mentality every day at work and I’ve also seen how old school employees have opened there ears, minds and listened to a less experienced individual and were able to complete there tasks more economical, effortless and less painful all because they opened there minds and listened to the ideas that a kindergarten kid brought forward to the table. Just because one person follows the instructions to the ‘t’ doesn’t mean the next person will want to follow the same instructions. Maybe that other person want’s to think outside the box and mix things up a little, weather that’s right or wrong who’s to say. I mean I remember Al-53 mixing a bunch of products from DG and achieving a superior product(s) then DG them selves intended to produce. It comes down to how each individual is hard wired, some like rules, process, instructions others prefer to wing it and when they get stuck then ask for help, other ask for help receive feed back but choose not to use the feed back, heck there are many scenarios out in this world we live in, the point is that there is no right or wrong way of doing things. That’s what forums are for, sharing opinion, ideas. I may be good at one thing but perhaps I’m a little rusty on another subject and if I ask for help maybe I’ll pick up a few tricks from other members that may work with my style that’s what forums are all about at least that’s what my intentions are with Detailing Bliss.

    Having said that, it’s important to always remember that when online it’s quite difficult to express what we really want to express. Sure you can use similies to help but even using smilies may not help, body language is a powerful style of communicating and when your online you don’t have body language, all you have are letters, words, sentences which are subjective to each individuals interpretation. Like I said for the most part members here have showed a certain level of respect to one another and I feel there is no need to blow up at each other, or be harsh to one another. I always treat people as I would like to be treated. I mean I miss interpret things all the time, when I do I simply just ask what was meant by such comment and go from there.

    All of us here are extremely passionate when it comes to detailing, there is no doubt about that but perhaps we should be more open to new ideas. I know I can be narrow minded and stubborn at times but I find my self opening my arm to new ideas/products/techniques. That’s the only way I’ll improve.

    Having said all that, like I said this thread has been reported to me so now I have to take action, so it comes down to this. Either turn this thread around and discuss the technique with out the drama I so detest or I’ll have to apologize to Dust2Glory and close this thread and keep a closer eye on other words baby sit with more rules and regulations..bla..bla..bla :bla2:. It’s really up to you guys.
  20. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    Well said Nica. I think some are taking this a bit too seriously.
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