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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I did and it is still blocked. :shrug:
  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I just tried as well Chris, and I still can't either. I'm on Safari.
  3. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Sometimes it depends on the way your browser interacts with Google. At first, Safari did not block it, but after a while it started blocking it.
  4. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I just installed the Google Toolbar and can now see the message. I do not knw how long it takes for Google to take the warning off our site. I guess they have to review it, dont know how long that takes. Earlier the site was actaully popping up antivirus software and there was a legitimate threat. Now the warning is limited to the fact the saite was reported (Threat is gone), I will be checking it and hopefully Google does not take forever to remove the warning.
  5. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    That sucks Chris! I hope that gets fixed soon.
  6. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Sure does suck. I wonder how stuff like this happens in the first place. Once it is all cleared I will look into it and see if there is a way to find out how it happened.
  7. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Latest update.

    "Status of the latest badware review for this site: A review for this site has finished. The site was found clean. The badware warnings from web search are being removed. Please note that it can take some time for this change to propagate."
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I agree, I too would like to know how stuff like this happens. Is it someone hacking in to your site?

    Glad to hear you got it fixed Chris.
  9. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Most of the time it is random, not personal. They simply target busy sites that deal with sales, trying to steal paymnent info. We will be contacting a firm Monday to go over our site and test for security. It seems the busier we get the more problems we have to deal with :(
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    So it is some one hacking in...hmm...I'm curious how you make out, keep me posted please. Regrettably the more successful you become the bigger the target you are :shrug:

    Any who the reason I'm interested on how you make out is because apparently the same can be done to forums, where people try to hack in and steal personal information, so I've been told :shrug:
  11. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Update: Eshine is up and running. I can access it with both Firefox and Safari. :applause2:
  12. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    Same here
  13. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Just FYI, The malware they installed was directing customers to porn sites. No personal info for any customers was compromised.
  14. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

    darn porn sites :crash:
  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I should visit your Web site more often if that's the case!!!
  16. eShine

    eShine Guest

  17. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    Wow, thanks! Bet it was a lot of work.

    Pretty cool, the prices are pretty good too.

    Was only expecting just a few of the products. It looks like you have almost everything.

    You just keep finding ways to make us spend more money :)
  18. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I didn't know DG made a paste wax.
  19. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I figure "go big or go home" there are a few more surprises coming soon to eShine. We have several more lines planned real soon.
  20. GearShifter

    GearShifter Virgin Detailer

    New lines?! bank account...please.:thud:

    eShine is going to drive me into bankruptcy!

    I can't wait for the new lines to arrive, any ETA?


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