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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    I have left 4 reviews of some of the products that I have used & will add some more later.
  2. MrPolished&Waxed

    MrPolished&Waxed Obsessive Detailer

    Chris, I was thinking about getting an order but am scared about it getting frozen? whats your take? I live in OHIO.
  3. eShine

    eShine Guest

    We have only had freezing in extreme temps (-20c) you are not at risk right now.
  4. MrPolished&Waxed

    MrPolished&Waxed Obsessive Detailer

    what if it stays 28deg for for 6hrs though (im not sure what that is in celsius)?
  5. eShine

    eShine Guest

    All us orders are shipped USPS and we can request it is not left at doorstep, you would pick up at your local post office.
  6. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    After reading the review I figure this wax would act like Vic's or WBW, which I am quite familiar with. My victim was a 71 Monte Carlo with a 13 year old paint job. The polishing of the vehicle was done by another gent who is a friend of the owners. Even with his vast experience in the industry, during a conversation with the owner he caused a strike through on the hood of the monte. So it just goes to show that one must be extremely careful and diligent when wet sanding paint especially on a classic.

    The wax itself is very soft, much softer than most on the market. It has the feel of vasoline, when rubbed between your fingers. It has a pleasant smell, like Buddy said, smelled like alomonds. The wax was applied very thinly, a pea sized amount was spread over the left fender and worked until the area was completely covered. Aplicatioin was easy, the only wax I have used that is any easier, only marginally, was CG 50/50 which has a very greasy like application.

    It was quite cold out and application for these types of waxes I find actually go on easier in cooler whether as they don't tend to flash off as quickly. I let the wax sit for about 2 mins and buffed off. Very little streaking and no real need to rebuff areas which is a plus. I also found the flakes in the paint to be slightly muted, more so than that of CG 50/50.

    Overall the wax is pretty good, if you treat it as aWOWO wax. My personal opnion would be for a polymer that creates a slightly wetter look, but that's just me. It does however have a nice glow to it, but I would like to see something a little different than the look Vics or WBW gives to set itself apart from the crowd. With some tweaking I believe this could be a vary competitive wax for a tough market.
  7. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Hi Bryan, Thanks for the honorable mention. I'm glad you had a chance to review this wax. I enjoyed your write up and pictures. Thats really saying something when you can make 13 year old paint sparkle like that. I too believe this wax is going to be a hit. Again, Nice job...:thumb:
  8. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Great review , Bryan & nice job on the Monte Carlo.
  9. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

  10. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Firstly and foremost, I only had enough time to do this review and so my car was not able to be thoroughly washed. It was only the hood of the vehicle that was prepped for the Riccardo Paste Wax test. Now on to the review!

    The following steps were taken in order to prepare the paint for a nice clean surface:

    • Vehicle rinsed with CRSpotless
    • Followed by Gilmour Foam Gun with CWC
    • Rinsed again with CRSpotless
    • Washed with 2BM with my own special mixture of car wash soap
    • Rinsed again with CRSpotless
    • Clayed with Pinnacle Ultra Poly Clay and my special car wash soap mixture
    • Rinsed yet again with the CRSpotless
    • As much water sheeted off as possible followed by a WW MF wipe down
    • Thorough Prep All wipe down
    • Sections taped off with 3M blue tape (I'll explain later)

    I decided to limit some variables in application with RPW (Riccardo Paste Wax). I felt it would be necessary to apply via machine (PC) and via hand to see if the results would differ any. If you look at the pictures below, you'll notice that the left half of the hood (technically the right) was used to hand apply Riccardo while the right half of the hood (technically the left) was used to machine apply Riccardo. In addition to that, the top test portion allowed RPW to set for 30 minutes, the middle test portion allowed RPW to set for 5 minutes, and the bottom test portion used the WOWO method (immediate removal; not sure if I'm using the WOWO term incorreclty here).










    Well, I hope I haven't lost you there, LoL. RPW was removed using one of the Tropi-Care towels given to me by Dust2Glory, which if I may say is quite amazing! Anyway, after the wax was removed, it was time to pull the car out into the sun to see how it really looked.




    Well, the results were definitely interesting. I compared the control areas (areas under the blue tape) versus the waxed areas and I can tell RPW very slightly muted the flake in my Flamenco Black Pearl Integra's paint. It's really nothing major and it still looked great! I also did notice that the ability of this wax to fill in swirls is actually pretty good which I personally like.

    After inspecting the hood in the sun, it was now time to see how well RPW beads and sheets water.











    As you can see, it seems to bead and sheet water very well. The beading was decent, not extraordinary but the sheeting was even better though.

    None of us testers can really comment on the durability of RPW so we'll all have to wait a few weeks from now and see what kind of results we'll be getting.

    Regarding the method of application and removal, I didn't notice any difference between the two methods of application. In both cases I applied RPW very thin like I do with all my waxes and removal in all test sections really was a breeze. Setup time really was not a factor in the results of my testing. However, I will comment that it seemed that RPW wiped off very slightly streaky as if the sun was sweating the oils out of RPW. It's not necessarily a bad thing but something I felt must be mentioned.

    In conclusion, from my results minus the durability factor, I'd say this is a pretty good wax. I do realize that Chris may be making a few more changes before the official release of RPW and I'd be curious to see if those changes make any noticeable difference to the wax's behavior. You're definitely heading in the right direction with this one Chris!
  11. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I appreciate the review. We know where we are heading with this wax and are going to get some changes done. We may send out the new samples to all the same testers as soon as we receive more. We will tweak it until 90% of the testers LOVE the wax, nothing short of that will be good enough for us!
  12. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    i just bearly got my sample it!!! Chris I haven't forgotten about you!
  13. eShine

    eShine Guest

    LOL, At this point I already know I am reformulating! Next time I am going to send one sample, then after the first tester really likes it I will send more. Lesson learned.
  14. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    Nice idea to test different application methods as well as curing times. Looks like the area where you left it to cure for 30 minutes has much tighter beading than the WOWO. Let us know how durability holds up.
  15. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    After taking a second look I believe you're right. Good eye, Matrix!
  16. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    That is a very thorough test Denzil! Great job. I can't wait for this one to come out :D
  17. mixxer

    mixxer Birth of a Detailer

    I would be willing to help test anything if you need some more opinions.
  18. TheJag

    TheJag Birth of a Detailer

    I will selflessly volunteer myself to test and review any products that you need tested, what can i say, im just a giver
  19. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Way to go Denzil...Nice job...:thumb:
  20. yukon cornelius

    yukon cornelius Birth of a Detailer

    Hey Chris, just wondering if you sell empty bottles and sprayers? Dropped the bottle I use for my OID and broke the sprayer head today. Originally ordered them from glimmerglass but I like to keep my business with you in Canada now.

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