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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. kaval

    kaval Two Bucket System Washer

    I bought some stuff from waxonwaxoff. Reasonable prices, shipping was done quickly, and it wasn't expensive. Overall very happy.

    Chris, I hope you get the foam lance. I am dying for one, although winter is right around the corner :(:(:(
  2. philttz

    philttz Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yes I have ordered from them in the past. They are in Quebec.
    The customer service is great and shipping is fast and everything was well packed, they even honored an expired coupon code.
  3. eShine

    eShine Guest

    OMG, The dollar took another pounding. it's at 1.15! We will be watching the buck this week but as of now our sites prices are cheaper than buying in the USA! LOL
  4. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Maybe 10 years ago. Now you will die in the waiting room before your "free" doctor has time to look at you.
  5. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    Really? I always hear conflicting opinion on that. Is that wait due fewer college students going into Medical School or Nursing School due to Socialized Healthcare and now there is a shortage of doctors? That is my greatest fear here in the US that Universal Healthcare will scare bright kids away from going into the medical profession and we will have free healthcare, just not near enough providers.
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    the canadian system is a good system, like anything thought it is not without its problems. Here we have long waiting times to get into an emergcy room or to see a specialist, however once your in your taken care of. I know a few people who have cancer, they ahve all commented it wa slow to get in but oce theey are in its one of the best sytems in the world...
    and to be honest, its a great refill know that if you are sick you can go to a doc and not worry about being able to afford it or not...
    so yeah its not without problems, its like any system but its a social program i dont think any country should go without
  7. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    The problem with our ER's here in Mississippi are these. I would say 3/4's of our patients use the ER as their doctors office. So, we get overloaded with clinical stuff. I need to point out though. Most of the ppl here have manufacturing jobs and they cant just leave early or take off work for a day to go to the doctors office. About every doc's office closes about the same time they get off work or very soon there after. So, where are they suppose to go. Then there are the frequent fliers that come in wanting a shot of their favorite narcotic. They tie up rooms for a couple hours. So you're waiting room is full. Then someone come in that is a true emergency ( chest pain, stroke symptoms etc etc) and they get taken straight back. Everyone in the lobby gets pissed off. You can tell them all day long, this is not a first come, first serve service, but they still dont want to agree.
    Then once you get in the back and we work you up with Lab, X-ray's and Cat Scans. Most of these take time. The Cat scans take the longest because they have to be read by a Radiologist. So they have like one radiologist looking at CT's from 4 or even 5 hospitals. So those reports can take up to an hour and a half to come back. Seriously. If you have a large work up done like that. I'd say a minimum of 4 hours in our ER. So that room's tied up for 4 hours or more.
    We get burnt out easily with frequent fliers and clinic crap all the time. Believe me when I say this though. If you're an emergency we will get you back and you'll have ppl from your head to your toe trying their best to help you or work on getting you where you need to be. These ppl are the ones that remind you why you got in this field in the first place.
    Our hospital has become to complacent with Patient Satisfaction. Calling our patients -- Clients-- of all things. I really have a problem with this. This something you'd say if you were a member of Hair Club for Men. We've gotten to concerned with paitent satisfaction and kissing butt, when we should be concerned with taking the best care of them that we can. We need to be centered toward Patient Care and not Patient Satifaction. If you give the best care, the satisfaction should be fine.
    The MD's here dont want Universal Healthcare cuz they're scared of how much $$$ they'd loose. If you go to a doc's office, and you're on medicaid, there's a $3 co-pay for the patient and Medicaid doesnt pay hardly any to the doctor. So who could blame them. Thats also why ppl that have private insurance have such a large co-pay

    Sorry for the rant guys. Thats how it is here. I'm sure its different everywhere.
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oooh now those are worthy containers :druling:
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Look forward to the foam guns Chris :cheerl: :cheerl:

    Set 5 aside for me buddy :chest:
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I have the shadybreal foam cannon. Love it.
  11. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Um..I like to have in case :whistle:
  13. kaval

    kaval Two Bucket System Washer

    In other words, he likes to foam people as they walk by...

  14. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    from my understanding megs canada doesn't distribute the gallon sizes in Canada do they? Like the 1 gal APC+.
  15. green dimnd

    green dimnd Birth of a Detailer

    Or perhaps Hyper Dressing?
  16. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Glad to see that you're moving right along. Just sorry that I will not be able to support you. Being in the United States...:shrug:
  17. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    I am noticing some of the larger doctors practices in Louisville are open Saturday and some evenings. I know the hospitals love this. I like it to, it is very convenient. Granted you get stuck with someone right out of medical school but I don't mind.
  18. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    to say the canadian health care system is good is like saying a prius is better than a ferrari.. in canada they have closed many hospitals due to not being able to afford them.. this has also hurt their education system for there is even less money going there..

    here in the US if we had free healthcare we would be in major trouble.. we can't even fund our schools properly.. where is this $$$ going to come from.. the damn democrats don't even want to use 100 square miles of land for drilling oil out of millions in Alaska which would give us oil till it wasn't in need as much thx to advances in hydrogen and alternate fuels. we have oil for 100 years up there.. yet the democrats want to spend our pension fund..the damn dems are why we are in a financial crisis. you look at what jimmy carter and bill clinton did to give more power to the government to regulate real estate interest it's nuts. we are in this mess b/c of them.. now the dems want more money for the US to mismanage.. the ten billion a month b/c of the war is peanuts compared to the real estate crisis now.. and now the credit card companies are next.. stupid govenment paid realators by how many loans not how much.. so they were giving loans to people they new in years to come wouldn't be able to afford it b/c of the interest hike.. and now people in this country are soooooo stupid they are going to vote for a guy who has done nothing for chicago and a guy who will destroy our economy further who just took a year ago 3million from AIG. at the time the the executive is the same one who now got a 34 million$$$ buy out and a 1 million a month retainer. the same guy who took other employees a on a $540k weekend at a resort.. and it wasn't 200 employees.. it was a handful.. and guess what they are doing it at the ritz this weekend too. thx you democrats for turning our country to crap!!! people blame bush but this stuff doesn't happen over night.. this is something that was put in place by carter and given more power to the government by clinton who reaped millions in cash from this. and clinton could have killed Bin Ladin.. he had the chance and said no for PC reasons.. what an idiot.

    YouTube - Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

    use the pause button.
  19. gregk

    gregk Virgin Detailer

    Loving the fact that you are showing more gallon sizes! How about M95, M105 and Wheel Brite in those gallon sizes!
  20. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I need a carpet shampooer for next Friday and was hopping to get the mytee lite 2. The shipping time says 1-2 weeks. Will it get hear for next Friday?

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