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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    wow really I can't believe that why not try the regular line.
  2. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I might. Do you sell both regular and pro line? Which sells better?
  3. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru


    :p wait...didn't I buy 3 bottles from you? I am actually pretty shocked, because the HGP is one of the best polishes I have ever used. I like it more than 106, but that is a personal prefernece thing I guess. They are solid I guess I shall be taking more off your hands, it is just kind of sad to see that no one bothered to give it a look.

    The 1Z Pasta Intensiv saved my rear when I was detailing that ML with ultra hard clear, the finishing polish isn't amazing, but it is decent. I mostly just love the IP and the HGP. I guess It is time for me to get more.
  4. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I special ordered yours before we started carrying the line. Your bottles don't count. LOL
  5. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator


    The reg line rocks I order tons of cases a week.
    Unfortunately I'm not the master disty in my area I missed it by a few months.

    But I frequently clear his stock out.

    I don't carry the pro line I like what I have for that however......

    Best seller besides or mf will be


    other items we sell a lot of

    Paint Polish
    Plastic and Vinyl Cleaner
    Detail Spray
    Glas Polish

    If you can support the above I think you should be okay.

    Is Mike taking back the stock ....
  6. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I would never imagine asking Mike to take back the stock. We bought it at our risk so it will be us who takes the hit. I will clear it out at a loss.
  7. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  8. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    This thread still shocks me! the proline is really really good!!!!

    I think it is time for a demo to show the world what 1Z can do!
  9. eShine

    eShine Guest

  10. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    Looks good have a great line of products on your site...
  11. richy

    richy Guest don't have enough of my you want more? no fair having all that candy in one spot...
  12. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I have no problem spending your retirement fund for you :D
  13. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh about time :fs: good now you'll be my Menzerna guy too :cheerl:

    Great addition Chris.
  14. Usjdmtuner

    Usjdmtuner Wax on..Wax off

    Hey buddy.. ive been trying to get a hold of you but it seems impossible since you are always on the road.. im ready to order box of assorted sonus pads and victoria wax and cleaner.. let me know asap..
  15. eShine

    eShine Guest

    This week has been tough. We went on vacation for 5 days, what a mistake. We are finally caught up on orders! I will be calling you in a few minutes.
  16. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I thought it was weird that he took a vacation too. hahaha, sometimes I wonder how he does it, because he replies to emails at 2:00 AM (MT) within minutes.

    :D at least he is taking care of you now.
  17. eShine

    eShine Guest

    We planned a trip to Myrtle Beach for mid April. Last year we were fairly busy at that time but still haven't reached peak sales. This year we are over 100% busier than last and my god if this is not peak I will definately start hiring! It is tough to find decent help though, you need some interest in car detailing. The last guy we had didn't know the difference between a wax and a tire shine, had no interest in learning either :( I am now running eShine full time so our quick replies should come back!
  18. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I would like to send samples of a multi-purpose degreaser/cleaner I have been testing. This product is water based, Non-Toxic, Enviromentally Friendly Biodegradable cleaner that simply works! I have been using it as a pre-wash, degreaser, wheel/tire cleaner, Black streak remover (Motor homes) tire cleaner etc. I am looking for 5 people to try this product out and post feedback here (Please no other forums). Good or bad I want to hear it. I am not looking for “Thanks, it works well” If you don’t have time to test it on a few different uses and provide detailed feedback please don’t ask for a sample! I will send a 16oz concentrated sample. It must be diluted for best results. I do not find that using the product too concentrated hurts finishes but rather wastes product. The strongest I have tried was 50/50. I am now using 1 part product to 4 parts water and it still performs great. Heck, even 1:10 would offer great results.

    After testing I am looking for advice on what to market it as. Wheel Cleaner, APC, Tire, cleaner, degreaser etc.

    Minus the mods on this forum (you guys have some coming anyway) the first 5 posts I see here will receive a sample. From there PM me your address.
  19. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    I'd love to test it out and compare it to my Megs APC
  20. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Dont forget after making claim to one of the five tester 's PM me your addy.

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