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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Fminus Wants Pads!!
  2. eShine

    eShine Guest

    It's Sunday for christ sakes! LOL I should shut off my computer but nooooooooo :D
  3. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    ahahhaha Phil you are awesome!

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

  5. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Hey that's not what you say when I phone you in the middle of the night...wasup with that hahahaha just teasing :mounty:
  7. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    congrats phil anc chris.... and phile we want TONS of pics
  8. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    hey eshine, i just placed my order for Sonus pads as well and sent you a pm. Did you get it?
  9. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Order received, I also corrected the colors for you.
  10. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    good day eshine..i just placed my order too & pm'd you.. hopefully you get it...
  11. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    i 2nd the zymol sponges they are great. feels hard, but once you get it soaked it becaomes very soft.
  12. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    I should try one out, considering it's only 5 bucks :)
  13. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    so chris, whats the word?

    any updates?
  14. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Victoria now in stock.
  15. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Hey Chris, I had a Vic wax a while ago, it was brown, it wasnt too good.

    Did they replace that with something? Or just discontinued it?
  16. eShine

    eShine Guest

    I am not sure. Their wax is Yellow and red.
  17. FuelTuner

    FuelTuner Birth of a Detailer

    Nice.. I just did a silver IS250 today with 4 coats of concours. Its a great product for the cash
  18. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    they had three waxes, concours (red), collectores (yellow) and crusing(brown)

    they no longer offer crusing, not sure why.. perhaps its becasue it was not as good as the other two. The red and yellow are greta waxes but as you said the brown was not so muhc

    but they no longer offer the brown
  19. Piloti

    Piloti Virgin Detailer

    I think if you identified products at risk for degradation if allowed to freeze, simply package them in a styrofoam insulated package. You have made the case you are protecting the product as best you can.

    In addition you might specify certain temperature sensitive products must be shipped priority, overnight, or some other expedited shipping.

  20. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    Hey i had a question about my order numbers 6524 and 6434. i received it on Monday and i went to check and everything was in there and i "thought" i had gotten a few extra pads. but today i unpacked the rest of the box to throw away the packing material and saw that my 1st order packing slip was in there as well along with the rest of my first order. How did you mail both orders in the same box? My first order was paid for on Feb. 3 and the 2nd order was paid for on the 18th. Thats 2 weeks time. If i hadn't placed my 2nd order when was the first order going to have been shipped?

    Sorry if i seem a little upset, i'm grateful for the great price you are offering the pads for, just wondering why my first order was held onto for soo long.

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