Electric Razors.... what do you use?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Dust2Glory, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    One of the things that I've learned is that the more blades a razor has, the harsher it is for your skin. Basically, each blade takes a fine layer of your skin off with each pass that you make.

    Products that are free of alcohols and scents and better because they won't irritate your skin as much. Products containing these things hinder you from getting a close, smooth shave because they clog your pores. All natural or products that are mostly all natural are far superior because they don't irritate your skin or clog your pores.

    I've learned that shaving, much like detailing, is an art and takes a lot of time to master. Once you get your products selected, you have to learn a technique that works for your skin. Once you've learned your technique, then you have to learn how to maintain it to look your best.

    Anbuzero, that's a nice razor!! I've got one that's similar to it that I got from the Art of Shaving. German steel is awesome for shaving!! Now if I just find my strop...I don't where I put it. :(

    Aesop, I don't know if you heard but AoS was recently bought out by Protor and Gamble. From what I heard, the original owners now work the P&G as consultants or oversee the line. I really hope that they don't change the formulas or use inferior products just to save a buck.
  2. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    haha i wish that was the one i had. im sorry i should have specified. I have that style of razor, the one i have is a cheap one and you can change the blades on it.
    the one i have is pretty much liek this just a different brand, the pic i put up before was just a quick post

    regardless of the brand its still way better than any gillette ive tried. your right about the more blades the more skin gets taken off.

    now that you mention it i might look into getting myself a good quality straight edge blade to shave with
  3. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    If you do decide to get one, may I suggest that you get a good strop for it. Don't get the kind that hangs from a door. You want the one that looks like a paddle or has a handle. That will allow you to use even, firm pressure when you use it.

    Disposable straight razor blades are nice because you don't have to worry about maintaining them. The only downside to that is you have to keep buying them.

    Since I've quit drinking I've found that shaving is less scary, more fun and less painful. lol
  4. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I get a very close shave with the Braun. If we have an event to go to or to avoid whisker rash on my wifes inner thighs, I'll shave with the electric first and then follow up with a razor in the shower. You guys that use straight razors, kudos. That scares the shit out of me !! LOL
  6. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    haha lol!!!
  7. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    And yea, I'm not using a straight razor! Or any likeness there of... when I was in Arizona I went to a barber shop and got a cut and shave and it jacked my face all up!!!! I have to use after shave after any shave or i break out and dry out and it sucks!!! it burns
  8. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I also use a straight edge razor ... my grandpa taught me how to shave and he refused to use the new school razors ... lol. I had my share of nicks when I was a teen

    Nothing like a hot towel, straight edge razor, shaving cream, and an Italian barber ... like a Godfather scene.
  9. Starcar

    Starcar Birth of a Detailer

  10. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    I have a Panasonic wet/dry shaver that works pretty well. No issues ever with sore skin. It works better dry than wet though.
    If you stick with a razor I would very seriously recommend trying a shave oil. You use this either instead of or underneath your shave gel. Lubricates the skin a lot more than shave gel alone. Unfortunately most of them are kind of expensive ($15 - $30 for a couple of ounces) but you literally only need to use a few drops each day. If you use too much you'll have an oily face all day.
    Better razors would help too. K-Mart Walmart and Walgreens all have their own versions of the 5/6 blade razors for way less than Gillette charges.

    6 Blade Shaving System Cartridges | Walgreens

    6 Blade Shaving System | Walgreens

    Amazon.com: The Art of Shaving After-Shave Balm, Lavender Essential Oil, for Sensitive Skin, 4 fl oz (125 ml): Grocery
  11. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    Yeah I used to use those before Walgreens came out with their version and I felt like crying every time I paid for those refills!
  12. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Holy cow, what a great find. I had no idea. Do the Walgreens cartridges fit the Gillette handle?
  13. kenny1775

    kenny1775 Jedi Nuba

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't posted here in a while, but I've got to jump in and highly recommend the straight razor shave... If you're into detail work (and who here isn't?) it is simply the best possible way to go :graduation:
  14. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    There is nothing better than a straight blade. I remember when I went to India my grandfather would have someone coming in everyday to give him a straight blade shave...so my Dad and I also got them...nothing like a close shave by one of those!
  15. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    Not really The prong that holds the refill on is just slightly different enough fo it to not stay on right.

    Walmart sells a version of these razors but I haven't tried it yet.
    I have tried the Walgreens version and I can't tell the difference between it & the Gillette.
  16. Red Orc

    Red Orc Birth of a Detailer

    But the Gillette blades fit fine on the Walmart handle. Go figure...
  17. I will have to check this out. I have been using the Gillette Sensor(green pak of 10) for years now and have been overall satisfied. However, I was at WallyWorld the other day picking up a new pack(and seeing how the ag sell is going)and noticed the price has jumped from 6.99 to 9.99 WTF. Thats a 33% increase :shead: My paycheck hasn't increased 33% :duh:

    Intresting Thread :chips:
  18. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    i have the cheaper version of the straight edge blade where you can change out the blades. i get the blades from my barber and they snap in half and one blade will last me a good month or two. I have coarse hair so the blade dulls out quicker than it should but still a lot cheaper and better than a gillette
  19. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    Does anyone use a safety razor in conjunction with Feather safety razor blades?

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