dsms detail - 2011 Ibis White Audi R8 Spyder

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by dsms, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. nnjmike

    nnjmike Virgin Detailer

    Dave looks good but I still think you could have used the Insect cleaner on the interior instead of Cockpit Cleaner. Tried it today on some messed up Audi and it worked good LOL
  2. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    The Megs DA MF system is designed for, DA's. So I used that.

    Thank you. This car came from NYC, not too bad of a trip.

    I tried the larger pads and they work just the same but for me I always will prefer to stick with 5-5" sizes for hoods and door panels, personal preference.

    Thanks Rick!
  3. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Great work as usual Dave.

    What camera are you using these days?
  4. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    The action shots and correction shots are a sony point and shoot. The final pics are Nikon D60, in the sun I use a lens hood, in the garage nothing.

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