DODO USA Is On-line

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by dionnfr, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    So you're saying that when I went to the USPS to ship something to Canada I was supposed to pay a duty on the stuff I was sending to someone?
  2. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    I don't think there are any importing duties for any package declared under $200 or $100 if it is a gift coming into the USA. Also it seems that the person overseas can choose a shipper that bypasses import customs but they charge a fee (to the shipper, not receiver) to make up for it. Here is a link for the info, it is about half way down, Internet Purchases - Also, private packages don't have an import duty if they aren't meant for re-sale in the USA. You may want to do some research before stating you are almost positive about something ... because if you are wrong, your reputation is at risk, and trying to start up a new business ... you should be careful because you won't go anywhere without customers .... but that is none of my business, just my humble opinion and observation.
  3. Dom

    Dom Two Bucket System Washer

    The recipient will be responsible for whatever duties are owed on commercially imported goods. These are usually collected by the carrier, ie UPS, Fedex etc.

    Whether they are owed or collected is subject to national and local laws, the customs authorities, the carrier and the individual, and speculation should be avoided.

    If Ben can ship as fast to the US as to the UK, then good on him. I think Dan was just trying to point out that there should be no theoretical discord between UK and US prices as Ben can sell VAT free from the UK but import duties may be liable on entry to the US. Whether this happens or not is another matter, and as I say, not for discussion or speculation here.

    I think it is fair to say that people are free to shop wherever they choose and free to choose which companies they are loyal to. No advantage has been knowingly given to one reseller over another as this is not our style and we hope that they respect and work with each other, even if they occasionally compete head on.
  4. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    This thread has raised some eyebrows.

    I am going to say this one and only once

    No one has a right to chastise or degrade or demean anyone who chooses to use a SPONSOR who pays to advertise on this forum.
    The issue of duty (which would not be duty but instead taxes, and yes there is a difference) being paid is that of the shipper, shippy, and goverment. Not a third part indidual who is dirrect competion.

    There are abviously alternative motives to posts on this thread. We are not blind to them.

    So to the person(s) who is/are involved and causing issues consider this your first and final warning.

    If you are a store/business owner who wishes to use this forum as advertising then you must contact a db rep to ind out more info, not chastise others for choosing a cheaper route. if yu want to compete in a capitalistic market then be prepared to deal with competition. If not get out of the industry.

    I will not post again on this issue, if I need to there will be more serious consiqunces then a warning on a thread.

    got it? good
  5. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks for clarifying the duty bit Dom.
  6. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    :shakehead: IMO you have now over stepped the mark, I do not appreciate my integrity being questioned in this way. Maybe you should make sure you are right for certain before bounding illegal activity comments around.

    Thank you budman, that is exactly what happens.

    As I already explained to Dan before, when he emailed me asking for advice and tips, any package I have sent to any country outside of the EU has the correct customs label on it. On the customs label is the contents of the package, the weights of the items and the value of the items. Every thing is above board, all values are accurate, anyone who has had a parcel from me will have seen this label. No one has paid any import tax because the goods being imported are a personal import (not for resale) and under the $200 limit. If any tax was due the customs people have all the information needed to work out the tax due and then collect from the receiver.
  7. Todd

    Todd Banned

    Ben, I am seriously so sorry that is came up. There is NO EXCUSE for anybody questioning your practices and after some of the comments on this thread I am seriously shocked.

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