DODO Juice Supernatural offical GB

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Calgarydetail, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    Calgary, sorry to hear about your best friend and hope all turns out well with that situation. However I am still upset that it has been nearly three months and I still have no wax. I remember a certain someone (you) and how anxious you were to get your Vintage from OCD. And after a month of waitng you did a dispute of the charge with your credit card company ( I just ordered Vintage - Page 43 - ). So I know my 200 dollar purchase is not as much as your 2000 dollar purchase but, still I am anxious for my wax and after waiting this long I want a tracking number or a refund.
  2. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    As an outsider who didn't go in on this gb I am just shaking my head. If a new tracking number was issued to the seller why wouldn't he automatically notify CD with it? You shouldn't have to go chasing after the guy. I know if I had $200 invested I'd be screaming bloody murder. We all have issues going on in our lives but taking 5 days to reply to an update is unacceptable and PayPal should have been contacted a long time ago.

    I guess I shouldn't be mentioning that I had my Dodo Juice in just over 2 weeks as a fellow members wife graciously brought it back from England. Looking forward to trying it soon.

    I do hope this gets resolved sooner than later. :shead:
  3. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    I am getting the strange feeling that we are being bent over on this deal and not even getting a reach around. It has been four days since my last post asking on the status and nothing, so can I get my money refunded? :shead:


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    file a paypal on ur own!
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well, looks like I'll have to get involved on this GB.

    I will be contacting Jim my self and will request that all money be refunded unless he provides a tracking number so I can track where the package is at.

    So bare with me as I start making some phone calls. I will be phoning Jim today hoping that I can get a hold of him and resolving this GB that has gone south.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Okay, here an update.

    Just phoned this number +44 (0)1789 490990


    No answer and looks like inbox is full so I couldn't leave a message.

    So I filled out the enquiry and sent a message that way as well.

    I will phone again tomorrow, nice and early due to time difference and go from there.

    I've also asked Jayplay to help out on this one, sorry Jayplay for getting you involved but I need to resolve this ASAP.
  7. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    my place is definately not in this thread nor should i comment ,but this thread is 11 pages long and going on 3 months its full of red flags starting with one excuse after this point i don't give a sh*t who the vendor is he needs to get on here and make things with the members on this forum.. and to the poster who continues to vouch for jim who btw still hasn't come through there is a thing called guilt by association and im my eyes you fit the bill..

    maybe i'll regret posting later but i doubt it
  8. Jayplay

    Jayplay DB Pro Supporter

    :applause:lmfao!!!!!!Guilt by association???? no guilt here what so ever Joe..I could of stayed out of it but thought id do the decent thing and contact Jim myself to see whats going on as I think its only right that people get what they paid for!!!!! end of day I know Jim very well and know he isnt the type to mess people about and dont like to see my friends get slated when I know for a fact he sent the items out the first time... yes the items should have been there by now but for some reason they havent:shead:
  9. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    just when i thought i was out they pulled me back jay but jim slated himself...and i don't like to see my friends with headaches and out several hard earned dollars offense but you seemed to be the only one laughing in this thread..
  10. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    Really!!!! :shakehead:
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Okay thank you to Jayplay I was able to get in touch with Jim.

    Jim assured me that the items were sent and also assured me that he would send me the tracking number tomorrow morning.

    He sends his apologies but now that I was able to speak to him on the phone and explain to him the circumstances that I'm under, I have a feeling things will be resolved quickly.

    I'm expecing the tracking number to be e-mailed over to me by tomorrow, as soon as I have the tracking nubmer I will make more phone calls and track the package down and find out what the hold up is.

    Now in the mean wile I don't want to see any more bashing comments, yes this GB has gone south but by making negative comments you dont help. So if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.

    I promiss that I will have this matter resolved as soon as I can, if worse comes to worse I will refund money if requested from my own pocket. But before we go that route, let me have a go at trying to resolve this issue if I don't get any where then I will refund money my self.
  12. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    may be it wasn't my place say it or PC :shrug::,but i don't think what i said should fall under the category of nothing to say... :peace:
  13. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    Sorry for any negative comments I have made but, all the PM's and posts I made and no answers. So I was upset and needed to vent and went about it the wrong way. So thank you, Nica for getting involved and hopefully getting this GB over with soon.
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I just dont want this to get out of hand that's all :peace:

    No need to apologise Stroking, it's all good, I would have reacted the same way. I personaly hate waiting and when things go south well I'm sure we will all agree it's no fun at all :shakehea:

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to deal with this issue and one way or another I will have this resolved and soon :peace:
  15. Jayplay

    Jayplay DB Pro Supporter

    lauging only at your comments Joe(guilt by association and i fit the bill)!!! end of day I agree people have spent there hard earned money and deserve the goods they paid for... next time I wont get involved and try to help...lesson learnt I guess
  16. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    sorry jay..if i offended you i didn't mean it to be cruel..

    i've been watching a little to much Donnie Brasco lately ..Al Pacino vouched for Joe Pistone as well :giggle:
  17. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Nica, thats a generous and honorable deed you are doing to pay for someone else's mishap!

    Carlos is the man!
  18. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Wow Nica, honorable deed indeed :worship2:.
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I got up this morning checked the e-mails and guess what, no email from Jim, no tracking number nothing!

    Not happy, so I'll be giving Jim another phone call :rant: :rant:

    Stay tooned, I will report what Jim and I discuss and what the end result is. At this poing though, I'm no longer interested on the items I'm going to demand money back!!! :tlaw:
  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well made the phone call and Jim did not answer, I phoned the following numbers:

    Work number: +44 1789 490990 and

    Cell phone number : +44 7884266696

    Left a voice mail on both and will be phoning every hour from here on in.

    Stay tooned.

    Oh in case your wondering the reason why I'm posting every single step is for two reasons:
    1. To give you guys (the ones that entered the GB) feed back as to where things are at.
    2. To keep a record of what steps I've taken so Paypal can go after Jim.

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