Are you only doing Dodo products or are you able to look into the Snow Foam stuff also in the UK? I''ve been wanting to get ahold of some type of BH Snow Foam for quite some time now... SN2.0 is a great addition. Most of the stuff before the waxing sounds pretty good too. Another on the buckets though:thumb:
OE isn't available from Dodo. That's something that Ben makes. As far as the buckets go man I'd love to get my hands on two, but like you Musc I can't see myself spending that much on buckets right now.
There has to be SOMEONE out there that makes buckets that look like that. My Lowe's bucket isn't all the way see-through, but it's got lines on the sides that make it easy for measuring. However, after two years of use, both buckets have "kicked the bucket" so to speak.
I have searched and searched and no one has a clear bucket like that commercially in the US. Currently I use a chemical guys bucket for rinse and a basic advanced auto bucket for my wash bucket. The work fine, so the DoDo buckets aren't a necessity, but I just really like them. But I could buy a Makita rotary for what it would cost me to get the buckets here to the US, and when you put the cost in perspective like that, it just seems silly to spend that much on a bucket! I think if you ordered a large pallet, you could get them in the US then resell them. It seems like there is a lot of interest in them, so maybe someone will do that eventually.
Oh I've been trying boys and I don't give up easy Ben (Rubish Boy is trying to help out) but things take time...just bare with me...when I can get the items the next step is price and it all comes down to money :shrug: