dodo juice offical group buy

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Calgarydetail, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    thanks whizzer.. and yeah you an add more then 10... i just didnt want 500 and onlyget 2... feelfree to add more to the list
  2. vrwm

    vrwm Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for confirming, Do you have any idea if you can get individual sample pots? or do we have to buy the whole set, and did you get anywhere on finding prices or estimates?
  3. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I belive you need to buy thesampler packs. if you want to split a sampler with someone thats up to you.

    as for prices, they are 21 and 42 pounds (4 vs 8 samples) so we are lookin gat 42 and 84 bucks plus hsipping. Then the mroe people we get hte cheaper things wil be. Not sure what discount is available, but i know whizzee will take our numbers to dodo an see what they can do...

    WHIZZER Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    chaps the more that buy , the more negotiating power i will have ....

    WHIZZER Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Sample Hard Candy(if available), Sample Rain Forest Rub(if available)(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and a lime Prime
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, Banana Armour and DW
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime, all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots
    11.asphalt rocket - dw double

    Added asphalt as i think he wants the double from the sounds of it ....

    ~I might see if dodo has some stickers and other samples that he can throw into the parcel ...... i know he has some sample of lime prime lite ~
  6. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    I wish I can add to this list but I have no money :p
  7. jfsully

    jfsully Virgin Detailer

    count me in for Lime Prime, Light Fantastic and Diamond White and lime prime light.

    (I'm also trying to find out what to replace my soft of the Dbl Dodo for obsidan black. I dont think they sell the DoDo dble soft seperate)
  8. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Sample Hard Candy(if available), Sample Rain Forest Rub(if available)(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and a lime Prime
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, Banana Armour and DW
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime, all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots
    11.asphalt rocket - dw double
    12. Smith2287- DW Double Wax, Lime Prime (US)
  9. vrwm

    vrwm Jedi Nuba

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Purple Haze(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and a lime Prime(CAN)
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, 8 sample pots and DW(US)
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.(CAN)
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots(US)
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime, all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots(US)
    11.asphalt rocket - dw double(US)
    12. Smith2287 - DW Double Wax, Lime Prime(US)

    Changed the sample pots and added something.

    Guys Don't forget to include your country at the end in ()
    Smith you forgot to put your name in too.

    EDIT* added countries for people that I could find. Changed Fminus according to post #56
  10. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks man I edited my post and added my the country also
  11. vrwm

    vrwm Jedi Nuba

    No Problem, I went back and added countries to people that had their location available still need a country update from Fuel Tuner and ggk and marlocke
  12. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Did we figure out who will collect all the money
  13. vrwm

    vrwm Jedi Nuba

    I'm not sure, but Calgary is in charge of everything. I'm thinking its going to him.
  14. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    I know Fuel Tuner is from Canada as well.

    Does anyone have any info on the larger size lime juice containers? Are they available or do we need to just order to of the regular sized ones?
  15. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Whizzer what is the difference between lime prime and lime prime light, i would guess the abrasives, if so I will need one lime prime light. Thanks again for the help in this group buy.
  16. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    ADD 8 sample pots for me too and MINUS banana armor
  17. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing


    as stated, please add your country. The reason is we will have a person who will get the package fro teh us and the person who will get the package for canada (fminus said he would do the us and i will do canada)...

    for those people who said add me, you will not be added until you add yourself to the lsit, sorry but its to much to go through. So the people who will get the stuff they want are those on the list. Feel free to add extra numbers that is not an issue... sorry but thats the only way this is going to work.

    As for payment, well I have talked to whizzer and he wants everything to be in full in one swoop. so i will collect the money. Once we have a final price (i will convert to your curency) I ask you either wire, paypal or get a certified check. I will then pass it on to whizzer.

    Here is where i run into the problem (and maybe someone can help).. ther ewill be a cost to get it from the country captin to the person. I can collect a set amount for htis and forward it to the respective person, or you can pay the person.. either way is fine.. this is not a real issue to those in canada as I will do all the leg work, however those in the states will have the issue.... phil, i know you volunteered but if its not something you can do right now I will be happy to. It just means theres potential for double duty (5% for the canadian tax)...

    so at this point im up for sugestions. This is a learning experience for us all.

    The GB ends on monday, payment to be iny my hand Friday. That gives everyone a week to get things in order. Once you have paid it will say so next to you name. I will either post or om you any needed info for payment. This is how this GB is going to have to work.. sorry but thats life

    if you have any comments/questions or concerns please let me know now. not after the GB has finished.

    Thanks you

  18. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    list as of friday night

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Purple Haze(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and a lime Prime(CAN)
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, 8 sample pots and DW(US)
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.(CAN)
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots(US)
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime, all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots(US)
    11.asphalt rocket - dw double(US)
    12. Smith2287 - DW Double Wax, Lime Prime(US)

    there are some people with sample pot... which sample pots? all 8? hard? soft? sorry but i dont want to order the wrong thing

    Also, some people have said or, im ok with that for now but monday 11:59pm mountain time will be the offical end so please clear it up ny then
  19. vrwm

    vrwm Jedi Nuba

    I hope me adding people and changing the list according to their post isn't a problem. If it is I'll stop doing it.

    For the wax after its shipped to the captains. I think that we all pay our initial prices for the wax from Europe to be sent to the country captains, and from there the "captains" should PM cost of shipping to each individual to be sent to their homes. I think it would be the easiest and fair way. If Phil gets to busy or backs out. I'll volunteer to do the job:thumb:
  20. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    perfect thank you very much... I appricate the offer.

    and i agree with the logic,I am just trying to make this a good experience for everyone

    and im not trying to be hard :bat:, i just want everyone to get what they pay for and no one to get screwed over.This is my first GB so i am learning alot... and there will be mroe to come, which will be much smoother.. since carlos made me the offical GB capital :badidea:

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