Dodo Juice Group Buy Feeler

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Deep Gloss Auto Salon, Jul 1, 2008.

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  1. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Ben is awesome to do business with.
  2. Todd

    Todd Banned

    Wow guys, I am really sorry you feel this way.

    I have been talking with Dan (whom I am working with in conjuction with Dom from Dodo Juice to develope a Dodo Juice Approved Detailer system similar but hopefully better then the Zymol system in place now) and I guess the numbers are not working, and I am sorry.

    The MSRP is from Dodo Juice, not set by DodoJuiceUSA, and is a reflection of the exchange rate.

    I spoke with Dan last night about making the SuperNatural buy and I felt that it was generous offer as 20% off is a huge amount. I'm sorry that you guys don't like the US prices, but I think its a little unfair to say that Dan didn't try to step up to the plate.

    From my understanding nobody is entitled to a group buy, it something that is offered as a token of good will from a bussiness perspective. Dan thought it would be cool if he coud pass some of the savings along to the members here and then found out that the favor offered was so offensive that people where actually comming down on him.

    Now with posts such as "DodoUSA didn't fix it to our liking" really come across terribly don't you think. Nobody is entitled to a discount, yet people will compain like they got ripped off if the discount they think they deserve isn't good enough. I have never thought bad of somebody who held the exit door open for me, even if I was going inside. I always appericated the effort and thought.

    The prices in the USA (from my understanding) are pretty much set and as more vendors come aboard this will be the pricing in the US pretty much. Please don't confuse unfavorable exchange rates with DodoUSA setting the prices. The prices are set and Dan was trying to work out a deal. If a company does something wrong and doesn't make it correct, I understand passing up bussiness. If a company tries to offer a discount in light of what will be very challenging prices for no reason when no wrong was done, I don't think its fair to slam them. Dan is just one of two inital re-sellers of the product.
  3. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    The one thing that I dislike is drama.. let's remember, this is wax people... no one disrespected you, your beliefs or ideals

    I started this thread to get some dodo on some paint.. bottom line - I wanted OE & Dodo other reason

    Now it seems this thread has turned into something else that I personally do not endorse.

    I am not one to publicly bash people.. don't get me wrong, I speak my mind but not in a bashing or deconstructive manner.

    If you want to take advantage of the deal, great. If not great.

    I try to conduct myself in a professional manner in all that I do and I do not want to be associated with any bashing therefore, I respectfully request that you do not turn a thread I started into a bashfest.

    We all know Ben is TOP NOTCH!!! I have ordered from him and will do so again....Hell, I will be getting in on the OE group buy here if Ben does decide to do it

  4. Todd

    Todd Banned

    FWIW I will be getting in on the group buy as well! :D Sorry Jason for taking your thread off topic, it doesn't seem fair to look down on somebody for trying to "hook" people up with in the limitations they have to face.

    Now I want my OE!!!
  5. Dom

    Dom Two Bucket System Washer

    What I find a little bizarre about all this is that the Suggested Retail Prices in the US and in the UK are roughly equivalent given the strong pound vs the dollar (remember we get it in the a55 from the Euro so sterling isn't that great either ;) ) but in many cases we have artificially lowered the prices in the US to be below those in the UK. For example, Blue Velvet is 32.50 in GBP as an MSRP and that would be about 65 USD, but it is pegged a little lower at 59.95 USD.

    The DJUSA prices will include sales taxes, just as the UK MSRP includes our VAT, so although Ben can ship abroad tax free at his end there would be import duty/tax to pay on top of any order. This would go for group buys as well, of course.

    Both Ben (Rubbishboys) and Dan and Todd (DJUSA) have our full support. Ben is a customer service legend and if he can help, then great. He deserves a little return from his involvement here ;) However, our relationship with Dan and Todd is designed to bring Dodo products to the US more cheaply and in greater quantities than a foreign reseller will ultimately be able to provide. In theory, Ben should not be able to provide products more cheaply simply because the prices should be equivalent when all taxes/shipping is taken into account (and DJUSA should be cheaper in many cases). They are also better set to provide regional support and to help establish a Detailer Programme etc. This isn't to take business from Ben, but simply that it makes sense to distribute within the country you're selling to.

    Please give Dan and Todd a fair go. They are good people with honourable intentions :)
  6. 02CAMSS

    02CAMSS Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for getting DoDo in the US and when Dan and Todd get up and running I cannot wait to order some from them.
  7. Wendell inc.

    Wendell inc. Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks For clarifying that Dom!... or should i call you uncle jessy ;) :gidiup: haha.
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well is it safe to assume that this proposed Group Buy is done and over with?

    If so I'll be closing this thread.

    Please keep in mind that Dodo USA is not a sponsor at Detailing Bliss and Ben is.

    So having said that I'd like to close this thread as is "appears" that the group buy has gone south, or has it?
  9. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Nica, I say it is a done deal since we have Ben to do group buys with and he is a forum sponsor that knows what customer service really is, so there really isn't a need to deal with an outside source.
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I'm waiting for Deep Gloss Auto Salon to have the final say because it was he who started this thread, so what say you Deep Gloss, keep it open or can I close it?
  11. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Haha, if only there was OE included in there, that way everyone would be happy :whistle:
  12. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I doubt that.
  13. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Nica

    Well since I am sure everyone on DB has seen this let's say we let it go until Saturday Morning If there is no interest in the Supernatural.. SHUT HER DOWN..

    Thanks for asking Nica

    Please let's stay on topic ... SUPERNATURAL GROUP BUY
  14. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Close at will
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thanks Deep Gloss, thread closed :thumb:
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