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Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Denzil, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Cyclo

    Cyclo Birth of a Detailer


    The reason I asked about your Edge pad is, if it stops spinning, it's not the pad, it's the machine that is driving it.

    You using one of those Porter Cable or clone machines?
  2. bigfoot

    bigfoot Jedi Nuba

    I use a real PC, not a clone. I understand it might be the machine, but why does it happen with Edge and not with LC? :shead:

    Love your avatar, BTW :rollinglaugh:
  3. zspectrum

    zspectrum Jedi Nuba

    odd I love the green lc pad, but I might be the minority.
  4. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    d/p wheel glaze.. very difficult to remove... smells good though
  5. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    InstaFinish CitriSolve- Blushes Plastic like crazy
    AutoMagic XP Cool Blue- Lasts exactly one rain
    Jetseal 109- For the price there is better stuff out there
    Pinnacle Soveran liquid-looks good but doesn't laste
    Pinnacle Paste Wax-An aquired taste for look, just not what I'm looking for it does go on and off easy though
  6. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

  7. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I have never had any problems with the Clay Magic (blue) clay no matter what lube I used. I have found that the Megs white clay tends to fall apart when I use soap and water as a lube.
  8. milabfocker

    milabfocker Jedi Nuba

    Which detailer are you referring to?

    In a separate post you indicated Meg's UQD had the potential to strip LSPs after finding alcohol listed on the product's MSDS. I contacted Mike Phillips from Meguiars regarding your supposition and the following is his response:

    Additionally, engine coolant is not an ingredient; it is a combination of chemicals. Don't mean to stir the pot; however, your post might lead someone to believe Meg's detailers are not alright to use on vehicles.
  9. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I'm beginning to not be a fan of the SSR line as well. With a PC this is even more of a pain to correct.
  10. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Everyone has to remember that quick detailers are just... quick detailers. We should expect any sort of protection from these products as their sole purpose is for quick cleanups and temporary, yes temporary, gloss enhancement.

    If you're expecting anything more of it, your perception of the product is slightly off.
  11. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Quick Detailers that do something are called spray waxes.
  12. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I like the LC green pad too (have not tried to AG green).
  13. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Clearkote seems to be love or dislike for many users. I guess some do not like a natural petroleum distillate smell...
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    The green LC CCS pad is my go-to-pad. It cuts better than the white and allows me to use SIP without leaving holograms like it will if I go up to an orange pad.
  15. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I could be wrong but I foresee a giant garage sale in the next little while!LOL
  16. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    NXT (v.1) - Don't like the way it applies, removes, stains trim, or holds up.

    EX-P - Applies and removes decently, but it doesn't last all that long, a trim stainer too.

    Pinnacle Swirl Removers - Don't do anything particularly well, they dust, fill, etc.

    FK2180 - Durability was non-existant, not fun to use either. Loved all the other products of theirs I tried however.

    Orange and Yellow CCS pads get torn apart very quickly. Their White ones hold up phenominally, however.
  17. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    NXT 1.0 is also on my list. Not really great durability and it stains black/silver trim like no other. I put it on the van after I restored it and it only lasted 1 week of normal driving :shakehead:. That and I found out its quite flammable. Each 1x1in square burns easily for 5 min! Imagine accidentally lighting it on fire in the tin :yikes:

    (All testing done in the name of science! :graduation: lol)
  18. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I reread my original post and had worded it wrong, LoL. It's actually supposed to say:

    Sorry for any confusion there!
  19. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    i love this thread!!!

    MEGS HOT SHINE: doesn't last long (lasted after 1 rain). I guess this product needs to be applied on a weekly basis. i guess this is made for what they call the weekend warriors.

    STONERS MORE SHINE: great sheen and lasted about 1 rain fall... and something i noticed was that when the shine was gone, there was beading from the tire. hmm.:thinking: protection? i guess this product needs to be applied on a regular basis.
  20. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    As towels go the ubers seem to be reasonably priced compared to many other towels from many online sellers. I have not tried the ones you mentioned but I got them on sale so I am happy and they work.

    Do you like plusher naps because you feel they are safer or do they actually work better and with what products do you use them. I prefer short naps or open weave for polish removal.

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