DD vs. Autogeek

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Money2536, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. invaderzim

    invaderzim Jedi Nuba

    True, it is one thing to offer a wide selection but another thing to offer everything with no regard for if it is quality or not.
  2. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    YEAH- how do YOU know?
    As a moderator on Autopia I KNOW all about you and how 3D bent over backwards to "make it right" much more customer sevice than anyone could expect. And you bad mouth 3D products on their forum, never miss an opportunity to twist the knife do ya? And guess what, you're still welcome to post and you were NOT banned there.
  3. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    I know because that's exactly what I was asked to do, not say anything unless it was a good thing and to stop posting reviews of their products, this was in a phone call. Apparently my posts caused them a lot of problems. Being honest and bad mouthing is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose employees will call it bad mouthing, while everyone else I've talked to calls it being honest and telling the truth, or not "sugar coating" it.

    Actually, I was banned over a month ago, without being told why. I called Ben and he told me that the "mods" decided to ban me for one month because I was "negative" about their products (I thought I was being honest, but whatever), and over a month later, as of this post, I'm still banned over there and can't post, you might want to check for yourself.
  4. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    You were put in time out for a month - big difference, you were not banned and I just checked your profile and you should be able to posts. Everyone has a right to their opinion and Autopia has tried to be tolerant of that. I pointed out that Ben and the 3D guys tried hard to give you way above the normal customer service, but you continued to bad mouth 3D products every chance you got. If you don't care for a product - fine, there are many others that do. Detailing products are subjective and there are the variables of technique, paint, weather, etc to contend with. I have a good friend that swears by zaino, me? I tried it several times and just didn't like it. Does that mean zaino sucks and it's the worst product you could find to use? Heck no!

    You stated Autopia is a shill based site - more so than AG, really? Try going on AG and telling everyone that AG customer service blows and that their house brands are junk, go ahead, I'll wait......

    I was taught to have some manners and respect when I went to someone's house. You came on Autopia and did the equivalent of telling the host his kids were ugly, that'll get you some dental work where I'm from. But, they just asked you to tone it down. And you go on DB and trash talk us, you really should be banned. If it was up to me, you would be.
  5. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    I have no problem with you and your opinions, you're a mod over there and of course biased towards them, but I'll tell you a few things and how they happened anyway...

    I was told over the phone that I was banned for a month, so that's what I'm going with, and I just checked and I'm still banned. Anyway, I didn't bad mouth any product, I spoke the truth based on my experiences. If you look at my many review threads, I was very unbiased and honest, stating the good and bad of each product, with plenty of pictures as examples. Your product rep at the time simply could not handle that I didn't think it was the greatest product line ever and immediately began posting antagonizing and attacking replies both to me and anyone else who dared not like something in the 3D line. I was respectful to that certain person up until the PM's he began sending me on that forum and another, all of which I can send you if you would like the proof. I was asked not to give my opinion anymore and to not give the product rep any reason to attack, which was ridiculous to say the least, any product rep should be professional at all times. It's not only me who had those experiences, but many others also, it's just that so many did not post anything in fear of getting banned or attacked by the rep.

    Actually, I've stated on AG many times what I like and don't like about them and whatever product is being discussed and I've not been banned, but then again none of their employees attacked either, maybe that's the difference?

    I was on Autopia far before 3D bought them, so it's not like I just showed up with an agenda. I tested their products with an open mind and high hopes, and did what I was asked, reviewed them and gave my opinion. Manners and respect were all given by me, but I will defend myself when attacked, against anyone. They did far more than ask me to just tone it down, I'm sorry you're not in the know of everything that happened and everything that was said to me in private. Again, I didn't trash talk anyone here or anywhere else, I state my opinion and experiences, if you don't like it, that's fine, but if you attack me for my opinion, I will defend myself. Look at my post which got your boy all hot and bothered again and how he reacted and what he posted, a simple comment by me and he lost it. Anyway, I'm not sure if the dental work comment was a threat, but you should choose better words in the future.
  6. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

  7. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    HAHA...we're all the best of friends
  8. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    Stick with Phil and you will have a hard time finding any reason to wonder.
  9. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    "Anyway, I'm not sure if the dental work comment was a threat, but you should choose better words in the future. "
    Let me assist you understanding that, let's look at the whole sentence shall we.
    "You came on Autopia and did the equivalent of telling the host his kids were ugly, that'll get you some dental work where I'm from."
    Now, in this situation, you, are in another person's home, not a name on a Forum, but physically in a home with a host and family, understand so far? Good, you make nagative remarks about said host's offspring. Now, in my humble surroundings, rural NC, that is
    just asking to have your teeth slapped down your throat, and everybody I know would be happy to do it.
    So - I was driving home the point that you wouldn't do that if you were physically there, but, apparently you think it's ok
    to do so since you're just a name/keyboard.
    What happened between you and the former 3D rep is one thing, but it's NOT fair to tar the rest of Forum with the same brush
    and especially that remark about shills. C'mon man, it's one thing for a company rep to bristle up at you, try dissing Chris at Optimum or
    Todd at the other Autopia. Do you understand that shills (by defination) are NOT up front with who they work for. What 3D "shills" are
    you talking about?
    Look at the Mods there, heck, I recommend BFWD and local Myjestic Solutions stuff as much as anything, cause that's what I
    like and use. Not saying 3D is inferior in any way, but we all have our favorites.
  10. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    That's cool what you're saying and everything, but if you look at the big picture since the beginning of it all, this past May to be exact, it's not I that brought the drama, but I did respond to it. Even on other forums, it's still brought to me, all the while I'm simply expressing my opinions and first hand results. Like I said, if you want me to forward the nice PM's and text messages that were sent to me, I can do so, maybe that will shed a little light on it all for you. There's a lot more behind the scenes action than apparently you know about, but a lot of others DO know and they know exactly what the truth is. I went from testing and reviewing their products, they didn't appreciate my honesty (many others did), I was banned for a day, then unbanned and asked to test their polisher by 3D's owner, then later being banned again. They ask for honest, unbiased reviews, but when I give it to them, they cry foul. It's not my fault their products just don't live up to the hype (from my experience) and their polisher was outed as being the same as the Harbor Freights model. I'm not even the one who posted that for the first time, but I still got banned...

    What I mean by shill I guess is more far reaching than your standard definition. It's ironic how I asked a person over there if they were working for 3D since all they used was their products and made them seem like the greatest "game changer" the detailing scene has known, and in response I got a flabbergasted reply stating no of course not that would look so bad and all that good stuff. Not a week later, that person was announced as the newest employee of 3D, I mean come on, coincidence maybe, but the timing is very fishy. The whole product pushing on the .ORG is far beyond that of AG IN MY OPINION, as on AG it's not shoved down your throat and you aren't attacked for not liking something about any of their house brands, that's a huge difference there. If someone says oh on the .ORG you can freely discuss any brands and they can take criticism unlike AG, well that's where I have to step in and let it be known that that's not true.

    And it's funny how I'm labeled by them as a trouble maker, and have apparently hurt 3D's business, me, just one guy. I was banned because of this fact. But hey, I'm just a name behind a keyboard.
  11. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    I'll be brief, you see it your way and they see it differently. But, seriously, did you just post that "x" wasn't that good or did you harp on it and "like" every single post that favored your opinion? We know the answer don't we? I will give you that the exchanges between you and the person in question were not handled as tactful as they could be and I see how you would feel the need to warn the world how we all suck and our products are crap and because "you" got b!tched at then it stands to reason that the whole forum is just one big old bunch of biased, shills and good ol boys. Really guy? You mentioned the big picture, let me draw it for you, I'm sorry you had a bad experience, I truely believe 3D did over and above trying to make you products right. But - it's not fair to the Forum, and all the members there that you tar us with the same brush cause of your experience. The fact that you started this agenda against us over here on DB just makes you seem like a bitter old man with an ax to grind. Life's too short, let it go.
  12. Anyways...back on topic:

    I usually do most of my ordering from AG simply because their prices are cheap and I usually get my order the next day because I live about 3 hours away from them. Like most, I will shop around for the cheapest price or see who has a sale going on before buying anything. I had stopped posting on the AG forum for a while because of the crap that goes on. I agree that it's like walking on pins and needles, but that still hasn't stopped me from reveiwing or suggesting products that they don't sell. If they want to ban me...so be it.

    I enjoy the community here and on L2D.
  13. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    Apparently you haven't really read my reviews, go back and read them, I always stated the good and the bad. As for liking posts, well since I'm banned, I can only like posts over there so that's what I do, hope that helps.

    I find it hypocritical that those affiliated with the .ORG would call AG "shill city", I've yet to see AG shove their products down peoples throats and attack them if they don't completely like them, but I guess everyone protects their own employer.

    I didn't start any "agenda" as you say, I shared my experiences and opinions, like everyone else, but 3D is the only company I've seen in detailing that throws a fit if anyone doesn't completely like their stuff (many share this opinion). It's a shame too because from what I've heard, the owner is a good guy and is trying to do well in the industry, I hope he has great success.

    Anyway, let this be the end of this topic, I don't want this forum turning out to be another .ORG.
  14. junebug

    junebug Jedi Nuba

    Either you're blind or refuse to see how certain posters/fanboys of AG ALWAYS chirp up every chance they get to blow sunshine out the butt of AG house brands. And for the record, I said something to the affect that I'm cool with that, and that you just have to see through the smoke over there. I moderate for Autopia.org, I'm not employed by them, and I'm certainly NOT on any payrole. I was asked if I wanted to do it and like the others I said sure, why not. We are volunteers that's all. Most of my job is to delete spammers and try to give a little advice when i can. It's painfully clear that although 3D tried to go above and beyond reasonable customer service, you got a chip on your shoulder for being asked to tone down the negative remarks and that it is still there.

    So, anybody reading this soap opera, you've heard both sides. Judge for yourselves. And that's it for me, I will let R have the last word, I know he will anyway.
  15. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    They'll be quick to recommend their products, but they don't force feed them nor do they attack if you dare not like them completely, that's the big difference I've been stating and you've been ignoring.

    Anyway, let this be the end of this topic, I don't want this forum turning out to be another .ORG.
  16. sulla

    sulla Virgin Detailer

    For international customers phil has AG beat big time... better shipping rates and prompt customer service...ordering internationally from AG is a pain had to wait for at least 24 hours to get shipping quote which is getting more and more ridiculous each year. Their access to fresh new products unavailable to other vendors is the only thing that keep me paying their premium costs. Phil's shopping cart isn't perfect but it's good that i can put items in and gauge the shipping costs right away not having to wait for days... I tried telling them this but they simply brushed the idea as being unpractical and impossible...some fanboy argued that phil's shopping cart mechanism is merely 'estimation' implying that it's not accurate but so far what i was quoted was what i paid for and has always been cheaper than AG so who cares if it's not accurate ?More power to phil I guess... I like how phil is not difficult in extending his promotions code and savings to international customers as well. In AG they made it a policy not to extend this don't know if they changed it
  17. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    I prefer to buy from Phil 1st when possible because of customer service and shipping. Phil will always answer questions right away and give honest answers.
  18. daveinsweethome

    daveinsweethome DB Forum Supporter

    i buy from everybody and my wallet proves it. drove to canada once just to see ken.
  19. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    agreed dave. IME over the past few years, their customer service isn't what it use to be when i first started purchasing from them. i've looked elsewhere to purchase my detailing products and they will not get another dime from me...
  20. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    when you say AG, you should state the PBMG lines, as the AG in house brands, as that seems to be what you are really referring to
    because what I like about AG is that they carry almost everything, from mothers and megs, chemical guys, dodo juice, their lines wolfgang black diamond pinnacle DP diamondite / poorboys, sonus, eco touch, and much more to things like the sponge daddy lol, whereas although I like DD, they carry the boutique brands (not saying ag does not, but basically thats all dd carries) now this is imo, but dd doesn't really carry the bang for buck brands.. like chemical guys, the only big bang for buck they carry is the meg's pro line, and iirc they don't carry a lot of the mirror glaze line, instead they push brands like auto finesse which imo is an overpriced brand, I'm not saying the brand is bad, I can just find alternative products that will do the same better/worse job

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