Current Deals and Promotions @

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by detailersdomain, Nov 6, 2007.


Free Shipping over $50 or a Prom Code?

  1. Free shipping over $50

  2. Promo Code of 10% off

  1. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    888 Machine
  2. 2KLS1

    2KLS1 Birth of a Detailer

    #1976, machine.

    eyezack87 brought up a good point. What if more than one person picked the same number? I'm not about to read through all the threads to see what's already been taken.
  3. muffin422

    muffin422 Any Rag Vehicle Washer


  4. lokutus1

    lokutus1 Virgin Detailer

  5. richy

    richy Guest

    #2879 with rotary
  6. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    ######@717 with Rotary
  7. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    83, Makita rotary.
  8. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    3445- I use rotary
  9. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru


    Maguairs G100 (aka PC7424)
  10. k33psp00lin

    k33psp00lin Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Hey phil, did this end yet?
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    still going on tell all your friends.
  12. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    2047 - Pc 7242 =)
  13. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    Hey Phil (my bad for type),
    Just to be clear, if I buy two uber mf towels do i get two free?
  14. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator


    for the drying towel its buy 2 get one free.

    everything else is buy one get one free.
  15. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter


    Just ordered a couple of MF towels.
  16. n_r_child

    n_r_child Virgin Detailer

    1616 by hand
  17. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    I would say first person to pick the number wins. :shrug:
  18. sk8ter4life

    sk8ter4life Virgin Detailer

    gonna place my order =D
  19. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    So phil, when I place an order, do I order 10 towels, put the line "i want my free towels" in the comments, and you send 20? Or do I order exactly how many I want, and you refund the difference back?

    And what is the DB code for DD? Why don't I know this?
  20. Paint Protection Orlando

    Paint Protection Orlando Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Just placed my order.

    Thanks Phil!

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