Current Deals and Promotions @

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by detailersdomain, Nov 6, 2007.


Free Shipping over $50 or a Prom Code?

  1. Free shipping over $50

  2. Promo Code of 10% off

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    typically 1:30 pm eastern time.

    we ship usps via international only but don't like to as they lose our shipments.

    sorry for the delay we have been working on a car and shipping all day.
  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  3. NotZeroSix

    NotZeroSix Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks for the response!

    Im getting a server error at the checkout process.
  4. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    hmmm I would try again but what error are you getting?
  5. NotZeroSix

    NotZeroSix Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I just got back from work. Now its all fixed. Anyways, it was a error on "cannot make a order at this time" (something along those lines) but whatever it is, it cancelled 2 orders.

    Also I have to say, I hate your prices. I wish they were higher so they can prevent me from purchasing anything on your website. lol jk But seriously though, best prices, best customer support, and best variety. You deserve an applause.:applause:
  6. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    2x that! :applause:
  7. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    hahahaha thanks! make sure the detailing community know about us.
  8. THE ONE

    THE ONE Birth of a Detailer

    holy sh*t i just place my order sunday night at 11:30 and i just got my order today. DD has the best customer service. always on there game. thanks :headbang:
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    we try very hard.
  10. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    Hey DD I was wondering what size is the Collinite 845 on your website, I'm probably reading over it somewhere but I can't find it.
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  12. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    Order 12097 Placed! Couldn't resist the $11 a bottle :druling:
  13. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    sick price let everyone know...that special will be over soon.
  14. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Everyone buy Black WOW and Cockpit premium, got mine today, tried them, I'm in love :) Can't wait to try out the yellow pads tomorrow!

    Phil you're the man.
  15. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I love cockpit! I cant wait till Phil get in LM and then I get it so I can try this stuff out. Everyone has been raving about it so why not try it as I was out of my 1z leather care which I liked.
  16. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    thanks for that one I appreciate it, take some pics and post them up.
  17. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Order 12108 in, just in the nick of time to take advantage of this great sale! Thanks, Phil.

    I'm REALLY looking forward to trying the yellow Uber pad. I say it all the time, and I'll say it again - the green and orange ones are the best I've used. They're perfect.
  18. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    i'm pretty sure you will like it. thanks for the order.
  19. blackjz

    blackjz Jedi Nuba

    when is this sale going to end/
  20. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    it ended last night.

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