
Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by mobilejay, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. flatstick

    flatstick Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I did not see the warning about the application in direct sunlight and feel this must be the problem that I had. going to double check the one fender that was in the shade side and see how it looks now. the sun issue came to me as the fender not getting any sun appeared to be streak free compared to the other two panels. for the haze I removed it gently and it came of fairly easy. the streaks were not easy to see unless you were close by. thanks for the heads up on the instructions on your site. after reading the site, it does seem that the direct sunlight was my problem as everything else looked like what I did. I am not complaining about the product as this issue was my fault for not knowing that direct sunlight is not an option. I am hoping to get my wheels sealed next with the product before winter gets here.
  2. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    no worries mate,
    cquartz can seal your wheels as well, no need to spend extra money, just clean it well, use ironX to remove brake dust and carbon , dry all, and coat, same way as the car panels.
  3. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru


    here is video

    and video of Cquartz beeding
  4. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    your video gave away your web addy =p
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    yeah well, covered in pics but dont have ways to do it in video, i guess ill try to cover it and then take video
  6. ltebow34

    ltebow34 Birth of a Detailer

    Very cool to see flat surface sheet water better than vertical . Sheets water very very fast! I should maybe do some video too. Have you use on trims yet Misha?
  7. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    Good videos Misha,
    and as said above here, the secret is not only beading! its sheeting the water at same time
    whats called sliding water contact angle, make the water drop stay as less as possible on surface.
    so on horizon surface is the hardest way to do it.
  8. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Lotus Effect (Nelumbo nucifera)

    [: refers to the very high water repellency (superhydrophobicity) exhibited by the leaves of the lotus flower. Dirt particles are picked up by water droplets due to a complex micro and nanoscopic architecture of the surface, which enables minimization of adhesion ][1]
    Wilhelm Barthlott of the University of Bonn, Germany, discovered and developed the Lotus effect

    The story of self-cleaning materials begins in nature with the sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), a radiantly graceful aquatic perennial that has played an enormous role in the religions and cultures of India, Myanmar, China and Japan. The lotus is venerated because of its exceptional purity.

    It grows in muddy water, but its leaves, when they emerge, stand meters above the water and are seemingly never dirty. Drops of water on a lotus leaf have an unearthly sparkle, and rainwater washes dirt from that leaf more readily than from any other plant.

    The leaves of Lotus plants have the unique ability to avoid getting dirty. They are coated with wax crystals around 1 nanometre in diameter that repel water droplets falling onto the leaves, which bead-up and if the surface slopes slightly will roll off taking dirt with them, so that the leaves are self-cleaning.

    Microscopic bumps on a lotus leaf transform its waxy surface into an extremely water repellent, or super hydrophobic, material. Raindrops roll easily across such a surface, removing any dirt. At the nano (i.e. much smaller than micro) scale rough surfaces are more effective in repelling water than smooth ones as there is less contact between water and solid. This rough surface structure is also essential to the easy-cleaning effect on a smooth surface such as glass.

    Researchers have developed synthetic self-cleaning materials, some of which are based on this “lotus effect,” whereas others employ the opposite property, superhydrophobicity as well as catalytic chemical reactions. Future products may combine the two water affinity properties or use substances that can be switched back and forth to control the flow of liquids through micro fluidic components.
  9. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    havent used it on trim but ill try, my car doesnt have much plastic trim (just mirrors)

    thanks Avi, im probably just gona polish the car at this time and apply cquarts since dont think i will be able to wetsand whole thing this year, gona leave some 50/50 panels with CQuarts and without and maybe some with different sealants or maybe just Collinite 845 to see the difference, deff gona do 50/50 on hood CQuartz and 845 and see the difference

    im still tempted to polish CQuartz suface with 85rd and black pad, in this video you can see marring im talking about

    maybe applying another coat and polishing then to make sure i dont remove it completely, BUT like Towgt said since ruff surface has less ability to retain dirt and it washes off easier im afraid if i polish it and make it smooth it will defeat the purpose of coating, i guess ill do 50/50 to see if polishing does anything

    btw. this is condensation i got on the CQuartz surface the other night
    this was before i rinsed the roof yesterday

    last night i had condensation too but it was not streaking like on pic, front of roof did however, not sure what up with that
  10. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    Dear Misha
    the Cquartz does make the Rough surface Towgt talking about, not lotus effect, but nano layer it does, so thats why we say polish well the surface , so the Cquartz will give you the best hydrophobic effect, if the surface is too Rough , like normal paint does, water and dirt just "seat" in the paint pores..
    do good polish with 85RD then coat another layer.. try to work above 50 deg F.
    the condensation you see is normal, this is exactly how the surface resist the water in very dense surface, normally if there wasnt coat, the condensation was layering on the paint.
    i hope you understand what i mean...
  11. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    so if i polish curent layer with 85rd and black pad all properties of coating will disapear? i applied coating at 80F and let it sit for 25-30 min then wiped off, im still bothered by that maring, it will show up more on other surfaces, should i wipe coating off sooner at that temp, what you think creates marring i see on the surface?
  12. mobilejay

    mobilejay Birth of a Detailer

    Misha, thank you very much for keeping everyone up to date with your experience and questions. This is helping everyone. I am going to keep reading this and other threads before I get mine on my car. Thanks again to all, this is apperantly new to us so we need lots of info and feedback.
  13. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    if you polish it with 85rd it will remove the coat , yes.
    at cold temp you can leave it longer even, until 1 hour . 20 min is for applying at 25deg C. (sorry dont know in F.)
    these marring i suspect because surface wasnt clean well before,
    please try our system of cleaning polish oil residue, 90% IPA+10% Fairy dish wash, sprayed on surface and wiped off.
    avoide working under the sun, well, this you know already....
  14. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    so you cant polish the car while this coating is on? gona try it anyway, i think i have some 1z polish at home thats similar to 85, and see how it goes, its gona rain tomorrow so gona see results
  15. flatstick

    flatstick Birth of a Detailer

    Well I checked my ride yesterday where I applied the CQuartz the other day . got to see it in full sun and the front fender that I did in the shade is 100% streak free and clear as can be. the hood and other fender do have a few small streaks but to be honest you only see them if you are very close up , like 6 inches from the surface. when I step back the finish does look very nice. other than my mistake of using it in the sun, so far I am pleased. suppose to rain this week so I can get to see the affects of the rain on the hood and fenders.
  16. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    if you want to have better result looking with these strips of condensation, you need to apply the cquartz in criss-cross way !! it will be much better layered.
    small advise! :thumb:
  17. richy

    richy Guest

    Ok, this is news to me. Are you referring to a 2nd coat to criss-cross or while doing the 1st coat? Still 1 to 3 hour wait time until doing a 2nd coat?
  18. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    ^^ good question, want to know the answer to that.
    dont realy care about condensation but more of marring issue, if you apply in criss cross way, do you think that will solve the "problem"?
  19. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    ok wtf, today i went outside, it was drizzling a little, looking at roof it seems that nothing is there, i dont see beading and running off effect like i used to after applying cquartz, is it normal or is something wrong here
    here is before video of sheeting/beading

    i know i said i will polish the roof but i havent done it. nothing was applied to roof since i coated it with cquartz
    and today
    hood doesnt have anything on it
    water was still on roof after about 5 minutes, this is not right, something is wrong here
  20. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    no first coat as well, any layer coat, to criss cross apply is better way to do it. so you wont see these strips as Misha had.

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