Hey guys, I had to increase my collection and jumped on a good deal. There was a previous post here on the guy who is selling Collinite products from EBAY, so I messaged him and told him I wanted most of the products he carried... I got a really good deal, not only I got free shipping, but got each items discounted like crazy... I dont have the money to afford Swissvax, Zymol and other high end wax so I think these would hold me up until I start making some money.. You all know about Collinite products and I dont have to rave about their products here but they are proven for their durability and thats what we need on top of our properly prepped paint. I would love to try all their product and line and have something to compare with. I had to convince the guy to get to this price.. If you have to order these at AUTOGEEK with shipping will cost: $151.91 here are the products that I bought: 1. Collinite#915 Marque D' Elegance Premium SHOW CAR Wax 2.Collinite #476S 3.Collinite #885 4.Collinite #73 Sapphire 5.Collinite #840 Color Up Pre Wax Cleaner 6.Collinite #845 Insulator Wax 7.Collinite #870 8.Collinite Sapphire Leather & Vinyl Treatment Wax #855 Would you guess how much all of these shipped to my house? $100 shipped for all items...and that is really good... So if you are interested, here is his link: eBay Seller: esquier: Parts Accessories, Diecast, Toy Vehicles items on eBay Motors .. I hope this helps guys..
885 and 476s are the same but, wow you really got alot of Collinite now. I really like the 915 and 845 on my vehicles.
yeah i know i went crazy... but all of that for that price compared to one souveran wax shipped... i think it will be worth it also will be my winter wax and beater wax..
I am looking forward to your reviews and pictures. Remember to keep the coats real thin with this wax or removal can be a pain.
yes i will post pictures and reviews about the product... i heard 476s is hard to apply.. Ill def apply thin, pre QD my applicator also...
Collinite isn't hard to apply, but it can be hard to remove like they said above. Apply is extremely thin or you'll think your arm is gonna fall off when you are done removing the wax.
Collinite is one great wax and really underrated IMHO . I use Collinite products on 50% of the cars I detail. Most people don't know the difference between a shiny or a deep wet look anyway. As long as it's shiny and clean they're happy. 915 and 476S (same as 885) are my personal fav. 915 for darker and 476 for lighter
Collinite is one of the beat waxes going for the money....most durable also next to meg's #16 and One Grand Blitz wax...I have used these waxes for a few years now and they just last on the paint..and protection is second to none...a little goes a long ways also..... I have never had a hard time removing when done in a thin coat..even when sorta thick I just used a QD to assist in removal....its not a true beauty wax..but will run along side some of the big boys if prep is done right.... doing it over a glaze like Ez creme does enhance to outcome...915 to me was the best looker...just do as they say use a damp applicator to apply and use the short nap of a MF to remove... 2 coats of collinite over a couple is a bullet proof coating on the paint.... You got a good del on those waxes...I have seen them from that seller on ebay and he has a good price....you have enought wax now to pass on to your grand kids... Enjoy them...have fun Al