clayed with just water as lube ;(

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by g35videos, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. m4gician

    m4gician Birth of a Detailer

    I used sip on lc orange with my flex 3401 on speed 6, it made the job go faster but now that you mention that, I'm worried that I may have taken off too much cc.

    The paint was very warm after my passes but it sure looks nice.
  2. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    anyone can recomend something less time consuming?
  3. V.I.P.E.R

    V.I.P.E.R Guest

    i have been using water for 7 yrs. has not failed me yet don't get into the hype it costs' you $$$$$$$$$$$
  4. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    So i tried 106 and Final polish by hand and i was able to remove swirls pretty fast in the test area.
  5. g35videos

    g35videos Two Bucket System Washer

    I did 106FF with white CSS and did half of the hood 2 times and all together took around 30mins on the hood. All swirls are gone but i still see some lines in the paint. i will post pics in a bit.

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