CG RocketPolish/vertua-bond408/SpeedArmor357

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by FMINUS, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. CptMidway

    CptMidway Virgin Detailer

    LOL, provide pics of the bottle or of how it works? :p: I really wanted to try it this past weekend but didn't get a chance to. I should be able to this weekend though. I can see how it works on my hologrammed rear bumper. :)
  2. advanced detail

    advanced detail Two Bucket System Washer

    Is Rocket Polish taking the place of Pro Polish?
  3. CptMidway

    CptMidway Virgin Detailer

    From what Paul told me, no it isn't.
  4. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

  5. CptMidway

    CptMidway Virgin Detailer

    Haven't had a chance to use any since finals have taken up all my time lately. I'll try to get to it sometime this coming week/weekend. :)
  6. dogma

    dogma Guest

    Just got my order this week ( rocket polish,vertabond and SA357) among some other goodies and a few gallons. First off shipping was $18 to me in CT ( 2 good size boxes ).

    I tried the rocket polish with PC7424 ( white pad). I have to say its a great polish very easy to work with virtually no dusting . To me it did just what the label said it would do . Car looks great unfortunately I don't know how to down load pictures from my wifes Digital ,it has a printer and we just print pictures.

    If I had to compare I would say its every bit as good as Menzerna PO85rd,FPII, Blackfire's new SRC polishes and definately better than Optimum.
    I didn't have a lot and correction ,but it finished great. If I did have correction I would have reached for Zaino ZPC wich in my testing is outstanding.

    I am anxious to try my other new goodies. You can say what you want about CG ,but I really like every product I have tried from them. My absolute favorite is WMF. Always positive/great results & customer service from CG's.

    As far as durability NOTHING will last as long as Zaino period ! DG is 2nd.

    There are a lot of product lines that look great But the Zaino line for me in my testing is the best of both worlds. And my undisputed #1

    Paul had said the SA357 is sort of like an AIO when you want a great look and don't have a lot of time. Hope to try it soon.

    Virabond is supposed to I think be like DG 601 and prep the surface .

    I also love Barebones ( garage smells great)

    ONE is also great and what a time saver
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    It's funny you are commenting on your garage smelling great with Barebones. I am using the Adam's Undercarriage (same thing) and without even using it, my garage smelt like it! It's like the smell of it was seeping through the plastic bottle. I LOVE IT!
  8. dogma

    dogma Guest

    Any one try either Rocket polish, Vertabond or AS357 yet?
  9. stupenal

    stupenal Virgin Detailer

    Are you comparing it to Optimum Polish? How hard is it to work into the paint - does it take forever for the polish to break down? Cost per 16 oz/32oz? I'm less than pleased with Optimum Compound and Polish...but not willing to shell out the $$$$$ for Menz just yet...
  10. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Just buy the Menzerna polishes. Their 32 oz. bottles last a while as you really don't use that much per detail. I used 106FA recently on my Allroad and maybe used an ounce if that...not really measuring.

    Granted, there are times when the Menz polishes get a little finicky, but for normal weather conditions (>50 F or so and not too high humidity), they work extremely well.
  11. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    how do you guys apply the CG sealants ? i too have got mseal and jetseal, how long do you guys leave it on before buffing off ? Fminus recommended 12-24 hours then buff for jetseal... what about mseal ? same style I guess ?

    i have only tried mseal so far and it was very tough to buff off ? maybe i applied too thick and didn't give it enough time to dry ? hmm... the look didnt really impress me but the slickness and durability from the mseal is definetely up there. but the application and removal...did discourage me a little...
  12. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing can buff off after 30 -45 minutes....even less on a nice hot will take 24 hours to cure properly before a second coat....I believe jest seal may set up faster as said...but I am not buying it...

    Mseal is much better than the jetseal....but need to be thin you can hardly see it on the paint....a nickel size drop should do a you applicator with a lite spray of a QD first...then add a nickel drop on the it you go along you will use less as the pad soaks the sealant up and primed well.....

  13. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    A few months ago I got some Jetseal from Fminus and a month ago I applied it on my car after stripping the waxes and sealants which was already on the paint ,but what I did differently from most of you guys was I let the Jetseal cure for 36 hours in my garage ,then buffed it off and the paint looked amazing ,water just roled off it .

    It's been a month and a half now the the slickness is still the same so I guess the trick with this sealant is to let it cure for a long time which is not practical but seems to be the only way to have good durability.

    I love this sealant and should get more of it.
  14. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    once the sealant has hazed and dried..whats going to stay on the paint is on....the carriers have dissapated....the polymers have bonded to even if buffed off after a haze it's still curing....I see no advantage to leave on once the carriers have evaporated ..all thats left is dry residue...the minute you apply a sealant to paint..its bonding....then it cures after the removal of the by products...

  15. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    What you are saying Al makes good sense so the only possibility left is the inconsistency with the production of Jetseal as another member has already mentioned.
    The jetseal sample I have was I think from a Gallon container and I remember Phil (Fminus) mentioned that he had two different batches of this product:shead:.
    What I mean is the sample I have seems to last longer ,BTW I have washed my car at least 5 times so far,I should have asked for a bigger bottle.:doh:
  16. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    how easy or tough is it to remove after long periods of time when left to haze ? i would imagine it would be hell to remove....hmm i might try half an hour perhaps. might be a better idea to use that time to clean and seal the wheels which might probably take 30 mins to an hour, just nice
  17. Usjdmtuner

    Usjdmtuner Wax on..Wax off

    its really easy... i left mine for an hour and no problem...
  18. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    It was really easy to remove the residue,but I will not do it again ,that was just an experiment knowing it's never a practical way to seal a car I just wanted to find out for myself if longer period would make any significant difference in the outcome oppose to the normal curing time of half an hour .
  19. Epoch

    Epoch Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Hi Guy's

    I started a detail today with CG RocketPolish/vertua-bond408/SpeedArmor357

    So far , I have polished the whole vehicle with Rocket polish and just tested the Vertuabond408 and 2 x Speedarmour357 on the bonnet/hood.

    The rocket polish, in ability, was a lot like 3M Ultra Fina i.e a bit of cut but more a gloss refining finish. It didn't dust at all, but felt dry (or un-oily) in use, to give an indication of un-oily, i only used 1 MF to buff off the polish reidue for the whole car.

    It took me a few sets to get used to it, but it worked fine when i got used to it. I also did a test patch with ultra fina and this may have been a little more glossy but the correction and finish was very similar. I always liken the Ultra Fina finish to Megs 106FF/A.

    I shall finish the detail tomorrow and post it up but an interesting detail for me so far.
  20. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    whats your opinion on the vertuabond and speedarmour ?

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