CG Grime Reaper buoyancy?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by 02blackout, May 20, 2010.

  1. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    APC+ doesn't foam like APC does. (I've been using APC/+ for 10 years). :)
  2. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    Curious what is grim reaper used for? or Can be used for?
  3. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Curious also. I have some Optimum Power Clean, Meg's APC +. and Amazing Roll-Off. Does Grim Reaper have some other property that the aforementioned don't?
  4. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Nope, but you have 3 products that all do effectively the same thing (in varying dilutions).

  5. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Each have their own strengths :whistle: My OPC has almost been depleted, so I jumped on APC+ when it came time to re-stock.. And well, ARO, has been the talk of the town for some time now. Worst case, I can clean gutters with it :mounty:
  6. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    I've got some ARO and it's OK. I don't know about "Talk of the town" or anything.
  7. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    I agree, Megz Green APC does foam alot. I have it in the 16oz bottles in orignal post. When I use it i only use like 60% of it because it foams on its own when I spray, I dont like it.
    Grime Reaper sliiiiightly foams but what degreaser doesnt ya know. I love Grime Reaper.

    It's a cleaner/degreaser. Spray it on bugs, built up dirt, grime etc. I just used it on my wheels 5 minutes ago. I wanted to strip off the Collinite 845 and 3M Tire Restorer to do an IPA wipedown and JetSeal them. I loved it.

    Also, when I detail a car for its first time, I spray the entire car down with strong APC- now I'll use Grime Reaper. I let it sit for like 2 minutes so it doesnt dry. Then I spray the foam gun with CG Citrus Wash. Let it sit for like 3 minutes, then rinse then 2 bucket method wash.
  8. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    why not try Zep citrus or purple?
  9. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    Yep--two stores (in malls).

    It is heaven for detailers. It's great to see the look on the faces of first time customers.
  10. Is that a real oriental rug. If so, get that crap off the rug :yikes:

    BTW Cute Doggy :chips:
  11. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    LOL yep!
    My dad told me that too hahaha
    I dont like refilling/diluting my bottles in the garage so I bring em to the kitchen sink hahaha.

    Chester likes being around me when I fold my MFs and do stuff on the ground. So he was walkin around me whenI was gunna take my pic.

    Hes a cutie!!
    I have yet to detail him. He loves the smell of CG QD in the garage (he likes to sniff around when I'm out there) :)
  12. froboy272

    froboy272 Obsessive Detailer

    glad you figured out the mislabeling before you put grime reaper somewhere it would do damage thinking it was barebones. I only use barebones for the wheel wells currently though.
  13. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks man. I used both today on a maintenance wash for a client. I got it situated! :applause2:
  14. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    My grime reaper is blue and my barebones is purple...
  15. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Same here.
  16. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    my grime reaper is light blue too like windex
  17. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I am also curious where the picture was taken. If I look in the background, I see lots of Mothers, Pinnacle/Wolfgang, and many other brands. With a cash register, it surely looks like a store.
  18. You noticed that also I see. Looks like a hi end automotive boutique. Must be a Cali thing I bet. Wish we had something like that around here so I could just stop in the sniff waxes on occasion :p
  19. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    It's like I-SPY....

    Haha... We are FAR from California (~2,700mi).

    For the sake of transparency:
    Before someone tries to call this spam, I took the picture in the store because that's where I was at the time. I'm not trying t advertise it, I was just trying to help someone.

    Yes, it is a store. No, it is not in CA (we have two--neither in CA). Yes, I am a partner with financial interest in the business. No, I am not trying to pull you guys away from DD (which is why I did not mention the name or location).

    I feel like I had to say this because anytime the business gets brought up, someone feels compelled to label me as a spammer.
  20. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    The newer version of Bare Bones is Purple, (unlike the old which was blue) and this may be the reason why it could have mistakenly been mislabeled as Grime Reaper. The newer Bare Bones is purple and smells like grapes. The color is no longer blue.

    Your best bet is to call CG and let them know their may have been a labeling mistake. You may have ended up with two different versions of Bare Bones due to a labeling mistake.

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