I got a 32oz US Plastics wide mouth sprayer all filled up and diluted 1:1. The Diablo is still thick as a milkshake! However, the US Plastics sprayer handles it just fine. I will be trying it out in about 4 hours when I get off work.
Dude, just bring the car inside! Screw the forklifts and trucks and things -- testing out the Diablo is MUCH more important than getting things done. Don't make me drive down there to see it sooner!
Just tried calling all of them, no Paul at any office. I'm just gonna stop calling, I don't feel like harassing people anymore.
y, I just went outside and did one rim with the Diablo. I took video and everything...but I can't get them off my phone. You just have to wait! It is amazing stuff, I assure you.
Email it! Send it to me! Uh, plug your phone into your computer and access it like a thumbdrive! Hah!
haha Spyral, dont drink it! I know you like hitting the Red Mist bottle every now and then dont start with the Diablo!
Hmmm, just see a video of a wheel that looks like has some liquid maybe on it. hmm, am I missing something or just slow today.