Black- Luminous glow infusion.

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Kilo6_one, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Who do you think makes "Poorboy's" ???, if you want to give me your un-used Blacklight let me know.
  2. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    No clue who makes it honestly; I already traded my BL off months ago though.
  3. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Chemical Guys does........ Allegedly
  4. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    Its cool if they do honestly as its a batter price point for a glaze then blacklight is but then again I am not a pro-detailer or ever plan on being...I am a shade tree do my own cars kinda person that will never give up my day job as a superhero...
  5. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    What do you mean by "glaze"? I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying because people mix up the terms "glaze" and "polish" when they are talking about a sealant.

    A glaze is meant to fill light defects, but offers no correction or protection.

    Blacklight is more of an All-In-One (AIO) because it fills, corrects (very lightly), and offers protection.

    Poorboys' Blackhole Glaze is meant to just fill light defects and would be better compared to Chemical Guys' EZ-Creme (which I imagine are the same thing) as neither of them correct nor protect paint.

    CG Blacklight will be more expensive because it offers more, however CG EZ-Creme and PB Blackhole are the same price.

    What superhero powers do you have? Would it make you feel uneasy if I said I was a automotive technician by day and Super Villain by night?
  6. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    To me blacklight was more of a glaze as in the fillers far outweighed what little correction ability it had and as far as protection when I tested it on my garaged acura it didn't last much time at all compared the protection it was said to have as a sealant. So thats why I really see it as more a glaze then anything because when it comes down to a sealant I will use BFWD (PAC version with poly) over the BL any day of the week. I bought the BL and V7 combo when it came out and together they aren't bad but separated I don't feel they are either that hot of stuff truthfully. I am a newbie for the most part as I only started stepping out of the zaino shadow 2 years ago from 10 years of blind loyalty to Sal. I tried BL on a few of my cars as well at the time I had a ford, mercedes and a land rover to play with along with the acura I still have. I got the same feeling from all the cars and thus wrote BL off of my detailing list and decided if I needed a glaze to use blackhole or white diamond and then use BFWD for its sealing properties topped with Fuzion. pinnacle, or something of the likes which has worked out well for me.

    By day I work on Networks all day in CLI and sometimes have to handle the random server, desktop, IA issues that may arise from the day to day operations of the Army. By night I try my hand at being a superhero writing programs, roms, kernels and the like for android phone OS's. Oh and catching up on TV shows that I have waited for the seasons to pile up enough to make worth watching Dexter, Breaking Bad, Homefront, MadMen, and others. For that is the life of the superhero nerd
  7. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    As per my tongue n cheek post earlier, I knew that the above would be the case. CG makes Poorboy's and you were almost comparing a identical product and BFWD is a poly-charged sealant which is apples and oranges in this case. Not a blind homer for CG, but when things are attributed to a product that is a unfair review or comparison I will chime in if I have experience in this particular matter because a unfair or incorrect opinion even if it is a opinion can hurt a product or company as people will have a "Knee-jerk" reaction and the damage is done.
  8. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    Its my opinion that blackhole is just as good or better. Its my opinion and my view which you may feel is unfair but I do not. I have heard people say its a glaze with cleaners and sealant properties. Thus I do not feel its a good sealant or cleaner so I compared it to blackhole which is solely a glaze. Price point to price point with my opinion considered I feel that blackhole is the better glaze.

    MMM Jelly Bean GNex
  9. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I stand corrected and defer to your opinion.
  10. ChrisJobe

    ChrisJobe Two Bucket System Washer

    Maybe I have it all wrong and its very possible with me being a newbie but its the way I felt on it. Maybe I will pick up a sample of it on my next order and try it again but I am pretty such I used it correctly the first time. Its a good product just not what I expected it to be :)

    Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

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