Best wax under 80$

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by sweetlou, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    is oe just a really hard wax, or whats a pain about it? This is interesting because i was considering trying supernatural to see why SO many people use it.
  2. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    First take a plastic spoon and scrape some of the OE to the center of the jar (it is a really hard wax). All you have to do is take a foam applicator and a hair dryer and heat up the pad until its hot. It takes about 20 secs. The rub the hot pad into the OE you scraped up and it goes on the foam applicator great. Then just apply very thin and wait about 30 minutes for it to cure and then buff it off. Its really simple when you get a method down. And the looks are worth ANY amount of trouble it might be to apply.

    I'll put it to you like this, if you really still think you would rather have the RBs Juiced Edition then PM me and I'll sell you mine, but you couldn't pry my RBs OE out of my hands if I were dead!

    Oh and you can layer it after 24 hours because I have.
  3. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Did you notice any diference in looks? I cant wait to get the chance to try mine out :tumbleweed:
  4. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    haha! Im being difficult i know. I've just spent hours looking for products that equate to around 5-10% of looks at best, but are the most important protection wise. Just looking for alternatives, whether it be just wax or sealant, or sealant +wax. For something like oe, or any other expensive wax, should it just be applied over victoria cleanse/lime prime/501. Or over a sealant(i recall you using oe over 109 correct?).

    Heres my possibilities so far (after polishing):
    1. Victoria light cleanse, or Chemical guys virtuabond 408> Victoria concours (durable, looks good, fairly simple)
    2. Victoria cleanse light, or Chemical guys virtuabond 408>rb oe
    3. ipa wipedown>virtuabond>sealant>oe or victoria or whatever wax
    4. ipa wipedown>oe, vics, or wax x

    thoughts? (jl seems pretty convincing that oe is better than juiced )
  5. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    To me (and it was on a blue vehicle) it seemed to make the color deeper and darker.

    I have used DG 501, then Jetseal 109, then OE with great results. I have also used CGs Vertuabond, then Jetseal, then OE with outstanding results. With these combos you get excellent protection and some amazing looks!!!
  6. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    I was just wondering because I see a fair amount of expensive waxes over js 109 but searching threads on js, people don't seem to like it at all claiming longevity of only 6weeks and expensive. Is it worth using vs multiple layers (2) of a wax? Is there any other sealant that doesn't detract from the look of the wax while offering additional protection? Or is js the best for this?
  7. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Jetseal is usually a love/hate thing. I love it and there is no other sealant that looks as good under a wax. Jetseal comes the closest of all sealants of giving a more traditional wax look. I have put RBs OE over Zaino after about a week and it looked nowhere close to as good as when I had Jetseal under OE. Don't get me wrong I love Zaino but it just doesn't give the same look. I have also not had the durability issues with Jetseal either. I mean it doesn't last as long as DG 105 or Zaino but I get good durability out of it. This may be because I use DG 501 then Jetseal so I get protection with both, then slap RBs OE on top and its straight money!

    Also Jetseal is the only one that gives you the quick cure time (35 minutes total, 15 minutes on and wait 20 minutes after buffing). That affords you the opportunity to wax the same day, hell in the same hour. Its what I do for all my cars and for my clients that want their cars to look the best.
  8. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    This was very interesting. thank you for sharing. Thats three coats LSP is this after a correction or a wash and wax.
  9. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    JLs - Do you leave any cure time after DG 501 ?
    I have 501 too and my process which I plan to do is the same as yours , except for the lsp wax which will be another brand wax
  10. zoomzoom mazda5

    zoomzoom mazda5 Wax on..Wax off

    To me i always use sealents, but some times i reach for Natty's red and/or Supernatural in the small pot (30.00 bucks). very few of my customers ask for a wax on their rides.
  11. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I currently have DG 105 under Souveran and it looks spectacular on my black truck!
  12. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I do it after both. I like how the DG 501 cleans the paint even after correction, so I'll do it after correction and/or after a wash.

    No I don't leave the 501 to cure anymore than 15-20 minutes before I apply the Jetseal.
  13. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    I had a sale on Wet Obsession a few weeks ago. I probably won't have another until closer to Christmas now. You do get a 10% member discount off of it anytime though. That is for an 8 oz. tin.
  14. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Ya, I know. The timming wasn't right. I tried to start a rumor that you were having another sale but I guess everyone had there wax already. Well it was fun trying...I'm glad that it's an 8 once tin and I did not know about the discount...Thanks...:thumb:
  15. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    im still not sure how the 501 is safe for all car finished when its meant for boat fiberglass and rvs, guess im a bit of a skeptic. As for paint cleaners, all i seem to see used is lime prime, and sometimes virtuabond for high end waxes/sealants. I would be fine layering 105 over 501 on a truck or daily driver, and i will probably get some as well. But as for a relatively inexpensive wax that i could offer, as well as use myself, with its OWN durability and ability to layer over most anything, i think im going with the vics red over light cleanse x1. I am also very interested in the virtuabond/501>jetseal>oe possibilty as well. If i could get samples of any of those it would be all the better, because trying to make a judgment online is one thing, but personal use and preference can be completely different.
  16. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thanks for trying to help out! I appreciate it! :thumb:
  17. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Check out the Duragloss thread and you will read that 501 is perfectly safe. Al-53 has even had the guys from Duragloss on the phone and have asked them...
  18. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    501 is very paint RV's have a painted surface...aluminum boats have a painted surface....the whole thing with 501 is its a micro abrasive /chemical cleaner...just like alot of cleaner type products...but 501 really deep cleans....the guys that own DG are chemical and polymer chemist engineers.....I have not used a product to this date that cleans as deep as 501..and I have used a lot of just gets the grime out at the micro pore level to brighten also has anti corrosive agents for salt water usage....super slick to retard and build up on hull paint...also years ago it was sold as SUV polish and was then changed to Marine polish....

    try this..use your best polish...then your prep cleaner of choice....then get a white MF applicator..and go over the same area with 501....that black stuff on the pad was in deep that the other products did not get...i have done this over 100 times and same results...

    now...a sealant is just seals the actually bonds to it with molecular in crosslinking to the polymers in the paint ..wax does just sorta floats on adheres to tree sap does....

    so to me anyways I believe a sealant base with a wax coating is best..since the sealant seals the paint with a polymer base adding durability and protection..and then adding a wax adds a beauty look and also acts like a sacrificial agent that takes the weather and fallout beating leaving the sealant still protecting....

  19. RamSus

    RamSus Jedi Nuba

    Well explained Al....Thanks for the info
  20. sweetlou

    sweetlou Two Bucket System Washer

    so 501 is ok and effective to use regularily.(2-3 times a year?) with top ups on the sealant or wax over it in between?

    Thanks for the info Al!

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