Autopia Infected with Virus

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Pats300zx, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    same here, i hope it gets resolved very soon. even though we have protection, it still makes me un-easy...
  2. uzj100

    uzj100 Jedi Nuba

    +1 Mac here too. Desk top, lap top, iPhone and soon to be joined by an iPad.

    Bummer that so many have been affected by this
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Same here. 14 years on macs and not one virus but it sucks the way its kiling those PCs. Nasty stuff.
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Very classy... and you think you're better than them? Such elitist behavior is unacceptable. Watch your tongue.
  5. rwright

    rwright Birth of a Detailer

    You guys need to download HiJack This from TrendMicro. It's very simple to use but very powerful because it will kill any program so you have to be careful. Once you download the program:

    -double-click the icon from your desktop
    -choose the option for a system scan only or scan and save log file*
    -after the application loads all programs installed on your machine, simply scroll down and place a check mark beside items that you don't recognize or have missing file names.
    -click fix selected items

    *You can do a scan and save a log file and post it online for people to review and assist you with removing programs if you are uncertain. I will be happy to help as well.


    POPPAJ DB Forum Supporter

    I hope you always get credit for this quote, just so there won't be any whining and sniveling on your part.
  7. mikenap

    mikenap Jedi Nuba

    OK, I've been there recently and my Kaspersky Anti-virus always says it is trying to load a Java update and then gives a trojan warning. I'm assuming it's blocking it like you guys with Norton, but how can I be sure? What tell-tale signs are there that my PC is infected? And Ken, you're really making me want to switch to a Mac after that post.
  8. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    haha thats funny, on tuesday i visited and my firefox prompted me to install missing plug ins, i just ignored it, and im spyware and virus free, hopefully they can get it taken care of soon.
  9. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    That's what mine did (the missing plugin crap).. but I still got hit.

    Stupid windows.
  10. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    For those using Firefox, did you get the plug in update notice asking you if you wanted to add on the Microsoft Net Framework Assistant 1.1? That update showed up for me shortly after visiting that site.

    Edit: Does anyone know the name of the virus?
  11. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Mine was a virus that made itself look like it was anti-virus software but wasn't. It kept giving me pop ups saying different trojans were getting my credit card info. It would bring itself up whenever I tried opening any program on my computer until at one point I couldn't open anything unless I restarted in safe mode.
  12. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is EXACTLY what I had. Had to completely format my hard drive and re-install everything. What a FOOKN HASSLE...
  13. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I got that virus awhile ago. A believe it was called "AV Suite" or something. It caused by browers to open with a proxy to the anti virus webpage and wouldn't let me open any other programs.

    I had to boot in safe mode and remove it with Malwarebytes.

    Wasn't fun.
  14. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I wish I was more computer savvy so I could have just done my own remedy. I have a majority of my music on my external hard drive but is there anyway to get around that and just transferring everything from my ipod? I know normally you can't but didn't know if any of you tech guys might know a way around that.
  15. rwright

    rwright Birth of a Detailer

    I lost over 2,000 mp3's once and ripped them from my iPod using a program called idump. I know I know, it's a funny name but it actually works. It's free too.
  16. kaisernaut

    kaisernaut DB Forum Supporter

    Got a windows7 home premium for sale
  17. tcope

    tcope Virgin Detailer

    I'm not trying to sell anything but I'll mention that I LIVE by Prevx! I've found that it's the only thing that removes many of these worms. I've tried many other programs to remove some worms, they have failed and Prevx has worked every time. It _is_ expensive... about $30 for a year license but I consider it worth every penny.

    I went to Autopia and was infected. Prevx took care of it after a scan and reboot.
  18. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Did you just visit the posting area or did you go into other areas?
  19. infiniti24

    infiniti24 Birth of a Detailer

  20. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    If you try to access Autopia via Google it apparently gives a giant warning screen before entering..

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