Autoglym now in NA

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by agpatel, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Damn Ankeet sure you don't wanna be an econ major? That's textbook economics right there lol I would have said the same thing. That or they are trying to lowball the market now to get better initial market exposure against US competitors then after some time maybe we would see prices creep up here in the states.
  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I am a economic minor :) haha. People are surprised a Mechanical Engineer has a econ minor. Right now taking economics of law and is pretty interesting.

    Also they have to compete with names like Megs and Mothers and US knows well, UK people know AG like we know Megs so they have to try and capture some market and cant price themselves out of it too much. Also cant negate the effect wal-mart has on pricing and the leverage they have to say what pricing they will accept, haha.
  3. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    True, market penetration and trying to obtain market share is another factor.

    It'll be interesting to see how they're going to win market share.
    I don't think they want to win the average user going for the lower priced items.
    More like the enthusiasts and the ones willing to shell out more money.
  4. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Distributor plays one of the most crucial roles in this. Wal-Mart is a place with large market exposure to not only people who go there for car care but for other consumer goods. If a guy looking for motor oil or hell even a TV goes there and passes by and sees competitively low prices then you gain it that way as well. Plus it is an economically elastic product, its not crucial for everyday living so there is a good chance that given the demand trend over the next year we could see some price changes.
  5. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Guess only time will tell on the future of AG in NA and what happens. I think it will be somewhat hard for them but then again who knows. Maybe more people are looking at taking care of there own car and demand for car care products is on the rise. It does seem like it with all the new OTC stuff coming out and the gradual rise in quality of OTC products. Ok, got to put my engineering hat back on now and finish up HW before class, yeah yeah should of done it sooner but w/e. :graduation:
  6. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    I don't think it will be hard for AG to sell this wax against meguiars...for example:
    nxt 2.0- 18.95 at advanced auto
    microfiber towels-8.00 advanced auto
    total- 26.95

    so for 9 dollars more I get the same thing (wax and a towel) the box is much nicer and its 9$ more=maybe better in the consumers eye..
  7. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I think that on looks alone they are going to win over the consumer, and when they see what the box contains and consider the overall visual appeal of the packaging, its going to sway they over, because it looks like an expensive, quality product. I mean personally I think the NXT and Gold Class boxes are funny looking. The NXT is just too played out and a little gimmicky for my tastes with all that color and shine.

    And in the future there are bound to be sales bringing the cost down to $30 which is not much more than NXT.
  8. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Stopped my a wal-mart on the way home from class/lunch and the whole auto section had layout sheets out and everything was being move around. I was looking at the sheets to see if i could find AG, as they where taped on the shelves but I was getting evil looks from the people working, haha.Z
  9. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    I think they're positioning themselves well. The packaging looks GREAT, I think we can all agree on that. That helps move product. Sitting on a shelf next to a bunch of the same Meguiar's stuff someone just saw at Pep Boy's five miles down the road, Autoglym looks special. The buyer then brings it home, uses it, and discovers that yes, in fact, it's an excellent product. It looks great, is easy to use, and hopefully, the durability is also excellent. I think this might be a great move for Autoglym.

    In a week or so, that same guy is in Walmart, buying whatever. He swings through car care, and now there's some wheel cleaner, and some applicator pads, and some other stuff, "new" from Autoglym. Same attractive packaging. And now that he's got the HD wax, and likes it, he might give it a try.

    Packaging is important. I dare say that there are certain products that, if the packaging looked a little more upscale, the products inside would be much more warmly received.
  10. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I agree and I have to admit that before I got into detailing I thought Duragloss was a company of cheap and just average products, and even to this day I haven't tried any DG but if I didn't hear how good some the of the product are I wouldnt have put them on my "Wanted List"
  11. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    All true points, and I do hope the the best. When I was looking at the shelf schematics at the wal-mart I went to it seemed alot of moving around, the prime space, around eye level had some products i have not seen/blank so tis may be where it ends up going. Oh well, it will be interesting to see how it goes. Maybe some of those crazy people will not buy it just because it is a UK product and rather buy American, ha.:giggle:

    Oh, and I do like nice packaging...just goes with my OCD about my bottles and what not...everything has to look neat and organized....:doh:
  12. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Duragloss is one of the companies I had in mind when I wrote that. Outstanding products, arguably being held back in the marketplace because the packaging and labeling looks every bit the 20 years old it probably is.
  13. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Funny, I thought the same thing when I saw DG car Car-Quest back in the day, thought it was rubbish and did not even think about getting it till I got into the detailing forums and everything was saying how great it was.

    You can tell packaging matters, just look @ the new line by Megs. Every new product is redesigned bottles and looks.
  14. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    Was just going to post asking what the average American consumer would think about a UK product.

    Whether it would be a detriment or benefit to capture the sale?

    In Canada, I think it'll be beneficial. Love live the Queen :p
  15. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Well you have those people, and ALOT of them, that think everyone needs to buy american but if you took even a basic economic or international trade course you would realize that it is not the best thing to do and can actually hurt the US economy. Better to buy the best in the market and let countries who do things better do that and what we do better we do and sell and buy according. Anything less is not efficient. Anyways, enough econ for a day haha.

    Like I said, who knows how it will go, will take a little time for ball to get rolling but I think that is the reason for a slow roll out they seem to have.
  16. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Actually DG is 30 years old! The reason its priced as it is, is because when it was introduced they wanted to get it into the high volume stores which meant they price point had to be very attractive. If DG was a new company just launching today with up to date labelling, no doubt it would sell for 50% more than it does. Great product line.
  17. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I will say the tyre dressing is very nice and the shampoo is pH neutral which is nice to coincide with parts A & B of the valugard decon kit.
  18. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    Called all the stores in my city today and they don't have it yet. I then decided to call the stores in a large city which is located a couple of hours away and even they don't have it yet. :( It's ok, I guess I shouldn't be in too much of a rush, seeing as to how I just recieved a new tin of Pink Wax from exceldetail recently.
  19. Brian N

    Brian N Jedi Nuba

    So is it a different formula since krshultz said it was unscented and the UK review said it had a slight fruity smell?
  20. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I don't know what the UK reviewer was on, but there is no smell other than wax. Its the same formula Brian. Have at 'er. You just won't be able to get it from me. Even my supplier won't bring it in now as Wal-mart is selling it cheaper than HE gets it for and he's the distributor for all of Canada!

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