Thanks to everyone in this thread! I'll definitely report back after I try the sponges and the opti-bond It's still 28 degrees here in Chicago so I probably won't be using this stuff this week!
Guys, I tried out the uber sponge for the first time today and I must say! I have regrets! I regret I only bought 3 of them because I should've bought at least 10... or 100. Yeah. They are that good. Extremely soft. Hold alot of of soap and water. They don't weight 5 pounds like my Cobra-Bone when you dip it in the bucket. All in all, I can't even believe that I am this excited about a sponge, but it honestly made car washing a breeze and a joy for me. I'm gonna order a bunch more in the near future.
Has anybody used an Uber with an ONR wash, The opti mitt supposedly is great for the rinse-less, so any experiences with the uber sponge I gotta pick up a couple on my next order now
I use the lowes all the time, so I guess this would have to do just as good if not better. I also use Eurow towels depending on how dirty the car is. Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
if the uber sponge is anything like the zymol sponge, its prob not gonna do well for ONR because of how it gunks up the stuff into it (at least in my experience)
I have only used the uber sponge a few times with ONR but did not see any build up issue. It rinsed cleanly.
The uber sponges have tiny cell structure. One interesting effect is that if you use a soap like Optimum and dunk it in the bucket and then squeeze the sponge tightly, it oozes almost shaving cream like suds through the pores.
They look almost identical only difference is size. But The Uber holds a bit more suds/water and feels a tad bit softer when using as well.
Yea man. For sure. I was skeptical at first because I didn't know a sponge could be anything special because's a sponge. But I was proven wrong and it was a very pleasant surprise!