FMINUS, I am eyeing that CG SW a lot, please do a review on that product as well. I know you told me in another thread you liked it, but which QD is your favorite. I might just buy a gallon of both the CG QD's because they cheap and liked the CG SQD in the past.
for some reason i can't find it here in Chicago...not to get off topic but i have been using ONR as a QDer and hardly reaching for the others..ONR is great on glass too not use like a QD cleaner type product..its more like a light sealant type works very nice....I have been using it for over 2 months now and find it very good at repelling dirt from sticking...I used it on my ATV body and went mudding...a few days later just hosed it and dirt came off no problem and still felt nice... I find it much better than the FK 425....also it works on all surface.... a little hint...does not beat the DG my favorite...I got the Slick Mist for free to try out from the body shop supply I buy from...SM is still a great product for what it is...very slick and glossy and dust I said..I did my TV half 425 and half SM...2 weeks later less dust on the SM side.... AL
i did a search on the stores im my area and only 3 products for lucas were available and not one was a QDer...i'm gonna tsee if they can order it sparkie..:thumb: Thanks
i did a search of retailers in my area and not one is available... Thanks for posting the link sparkie :takeabow: :thumb: you want the sku number.....I just got in and the slick mist is at the truck barn..if the sku is what you need I will get it for you... this is the part number I think for a single bottle LO10160S ..thats Lucus's number Al