About my recent posts, please read

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by dsms, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    sorry to brake it to you but most of us just wana see pics before and after :))))))))
    not sure how many ppl actualy read process of what was done
  2. Strokin04

    Strokin04 Birth of a Detailer

    I understand your position and respect why you are doing this but, I really can't wait for this to pass. because I enjoy your detail write ups that show the various products you use and how you use them. Remember there will always be people who are going to be jealous of your abilities and instead of trying to learn from you they decide to attack you, which is just plain sad. Keep up the great work!!!
  3. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Speak for yourself... the before and after pics are cool... but I am infinitely more interested in seeing how he achieved the results...
  4. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I think you do some of the best work on this forum. I'm sorry it resorted to this but I cannot say I wouldn't have done the same thing.

    Hope it clears up, and I wish you the best!
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    yeah i should speak for myself. :)
    when i look at those detail posts, all im looking at is pics and what product was used
  6. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Now I'm loling...
  7. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    So you guys would rather see posts without all the products, process, methods and techniques????? Guess I've been missing something here as I thought this is what DB was all about...learing from different peoples process, products and methods. Guess I can start making my write ups a lot shorter in the future if that's the way you guys feel.
  8. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    In dozens and dozens of writeups I have posted here... all with lots of information and processes I get flack for posting 1 writeup without information. Doesnt seem too fair.

    Can I ask you an honest question? Do you feel the same way about Paul Daltons work? I am in no way comparing me to him but his writeups are very vague... nobody knows what he uses to treat the cars for 80% of the stuff except his wax which he uses.

    Does that bother you or is it okay because hes Paul?

    I personally dont mind because I just enjoy Pauls work and like to see the cars he does.
  9. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    I personally enjoy the ways you do your write-ups very much, I completely read your process and products used every time. It's extremely helpful to me, I try and do the same thing when I do write-ups. I believe AV6NHBP6SPD is speaking for himself only lol, no disrespect to him but I believe a large majority of the forum enjoys the write-ups complete with information and processes used.

    Keep doing what you do Dave, you do amazing work.
  10. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I love pictures, who does not? , but also like the write up I dont know how many times I have picked up little tips on how to clean up something or do something from the write ups. Granted I dont use a rotary so most of the rotary stuff does not pertain to me but still enjoy reading what others are doing and sometimes giving feedback were something I have done helped in a particular area.
  11. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    For me, when I comment on the absence of information, it's basically me just messing around. I don't take it personally because
    A. I don't run a business where it would potentially help me economically
    B. I don't really find myself in a quandary where I can't figure it out on my own to my satisfaction
    C. You have some great insight to products and their use, much more than I do and I've learned a bit from you, but I wouldn't really call anyones methods really "revolutionary" to the point where someone else couldn't figure it out on their own if they gave it some time. It's not like we're curing cancer here.

    I wouldn't take anything anyone says really personally. Paul is a nice guy and all but I think the difference between you two is that you are much more personal with the members here. You don't just post your work, you interact etc. Not that there's anything wrong with either way, I know Paul is extremely busy (not like you aren't). If you feel that what you have to offer might help someone, then post it. If you'd really like to keep it to yourself, that's fine as well.
  12. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I could also put dog poop in a box and mail it to you. :confused: I'm just sayin...
  13. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    First and foremost the post wasn't directed to you. It was a rhetorical question posed to the others. My point being that where would this forum be if all members took the approach to not post up products, methods, and techniques. Like Pats300 said earlier if that was the case I could just look at automobile magazines to see really nice cars. As far as my feelings on another detailer I will gladly discuss it with you via PM if you like but I'm not going to put someone in the middle of this that didn't ask to be.

    WTF is that???? Did you fall and bump your head between posts and thats why this one is so in-coherent? What does that have to do with anything relavent that was being discussed in this thread.
  14. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Haha, I was being sarcastic. I enjoy your posts a lot and it was a threat so you don't change them. Easy fella. I was sitting down and rather stable for both posts.
  15. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    most of processes are similar and i dont use rotary so i cant realy learn from process
    except when you eplain how long to keep product on and stuff. polishing is different for ppl so its hard to learn

    note to self: dont eat wile reading, a
    almost chocked was laught so hard lol
  16. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    My bad bro I just didn't get it at all. Now it makes sense guess I just need a :chillpill:. Really kind of funny now.
  17. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    That's what getting test panels from the body shop is for... just because one or two people don't use a rotary.. doesn't mean the rest of the community can't benefit from it. :2cents:
  18. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    This forum exists to both display your work, and to share your process with others in order for other to learn from your methods. Does this make you a detailer all of a sudden? It does not. You can give two people the exact same tools and products, and one detailer can deliver superior work whilst the other can hack it all up.

    It's informative to know what products were used, but no one can sit here and say it's the end all be all.

    So, you can do it two ways:

    1) Show before and afters, and not mention products. Hey, I like pictures!
    2) Show before and after, explain your process, and mention products, and we can all learn a thing or two.

    But to give someone flack for not doing so? Well, there are no strict guidelines that say what one has to post in order to start a topic under the Show 'n Shine section...
  19. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    No offense taken, I understand the slight tension. Perhaps I'll send you a beer instead. :drinking2:
  20. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Thank you Piet, my point exactly.

    Like I said I have tons of writeups on here with tons of info and processes... in addition I do my best to help anybody who PMs me asking for further explanation or product recommendation. I suddenly put up one writeup without such things and I get called out.

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