These were coated. They used that leather in a special edition King Ranch truck they made. The Harley trucks that I've worked on have all been coated leather and yes, i used Power Clean (4:1) and it worked fine with no issues.
That looks fantastic! And don't worry, Dodge has exactly the same issues with not being able to properly seal a door. Drives me bonkers. You spend a lot of time cleaning them, then after a single rain storm it's all crap again. Terrible... And I agree with you on the Poorboy S&W. It's fantastic stuff, love it.
Ken, the truck looks great. Your photography skills are great too. I love this shot as well as the one on the tailgate with the Harley Davidson letters:
I try to use products that I find are 1) very easy to use and work well and 2) don't get a lot of air time so the next time you need a certain product, you may remember seeing it being used and decide to try it. Thanks for noticing!