3M UltraFina

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Cooter, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    hahah told you that you would need a second makita...
  2. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    rydawg and Grouse, whats the difference between the 3m backing plate and a regular backing plate?
  3. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    Phil the grey, just does not have the support i am used to. It flexes much better, but, i feel i need to push more than i am used to.

    dnd about 60 bucks.

    3m plates are a 2 plate system. one yellow one grey. yelloow is stiffer and supposedly more supportive to the pads for cutting.

    grey is softer, more usefull when burnishing the final buff.
  4. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Look at the thickness of the bp.

  5. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I know what it looks like. But Im talking in terms of performance. How is it different then using a regular BP?
  6. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    oh, I don't know i have only done 3 cars with it sofar. It does seem to keep the pad flatter.
  7. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    :(:( me too!
  8. Rydawg

    Rydawg Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Did you use the 6" blue Ultrafina pads?

    Which UF do you have, the UK or US version?
  9. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah, 6" blue, UK version. Don't get get me wrong, It comes off much easier than 106 in 34* weather. but Under halogens, brink man sun gun I could not see a difference. I brought out 85rd, it got deeper wetter.
  10. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Man if you think that the UK version is worse than 85rd, what would you think of the US version?:spank:
  11. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    A cutting pad can feel like a polishing pad. Much easier to control.
  12. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    Keep in mind this is one car. I have used 106 and 85rd on 100's of cars

    First use of 3m ultrafina. even so i don't think it was that much different.

    edit, different may be the wrong word. It is a different look that may be more suited to a different color, on the steelgrau m3 3m ultrafina just did not have the punch in the gut like 85rd. again That is personal taste on looks which are very subjective.
  13. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    To my eyes the difference was obvious immediately. Much sharper.
  14. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    define sharper, like i said, looks are subjective. I don't find blonds that attractive, give me a redhead and i'm happy.
  15. Rydawg

    Rydawg Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I know on soft stubborn blacks like GM, UF blows away everything. That is what sold me on it.

    I know different paints will vary. Harder paints will have to be worked in a lot longer with pressure at first.

    Menzerna does kick butt on harder clears
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Very interesting feed back Grouse, I've only used the UK Ultrafina once and it behaved different compared to Menzerna. When I say behaved it had a long, long working time and at first it was odd because it was hard to see when it had broken down completely, you can keep on going with it...any who as for removing yes it was easier to remove but I'll have to use it some more to get a better feel for it.

    Let me know what your thoughts are as you use the UK UF some more please, I just think my eyes are playing tricks one :confused:
  17. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    well still no answer from 3M uk on the differences but I have rough pricing and I doubt it will fly.

    Yellow Foam. 5/8" Female Thread Back-up-Pad - Velcro Face. --$49.95 each USD
    3M50417 Fast-Cut "PLUS" ----$69.95 each USD
    3M80349 Perfect-it III - Extra Fine Material Polish --$69.95 each USD
    3M50383 Ultrafina SE Material Polish ----$79.50 each USD
    3M50388 Ultrafina High Gloss Polishing Pad - Velcro Backed. (2 Pads Per Pack)-----$29.95 each pack

    pricing reflects the duty/frieght/currency exchange etc.

    I still have 1 set of pads left
    I still have 5 ultrafina se (final polish) in stock
    I still have gray bumper pads in stock (6)
    I still have yellow bumper pads in stock (4)

    Let me know.

    Also I will not be getting any of the newer items unless I get pre payment and 12 min per item.

  18. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    What we need is for the british pound to take a beating.
  19. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    And I thought 3M was expensive in Sweden :dbanana:
  20. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    I agree with that one.

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