30% Off Select Dodo Juice items!!!

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Obsessive Detail, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thank you!
  2. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Happy Birthday Justin!!!!!
  3. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thank you buddy!
  4. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    happy birthday to you.

    is the deal still going for the supernatural?
  5. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thank you! I decided to let the Dodo Juice specials run until the 30th! I've had a lot of people asking to extend the sale, I just want to show everyone how much I appreciate your business! :thumb:
  6. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru


    I have to do it...
  7. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    Billy, you got pm

    btw Juztang why is there 2 websites for the deal and regular website
  8. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    awesome deals on the waxes! I just referred a friend who instantly bought the supernatural so i decided to have him pick me up austintatious as well! Invoice #247

    Thanks Juztang!
  9. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I bought SN.... mmmm... I'm STOKED to get it :)
  10. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Some of my customers prefer to shop at The Rag Shack and some prefer Obsessive Detail, so I figured I would offer the specials for both sites.
  11. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thanks everyone for the orders! I've been moving a ton of wax!
  12. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Just a reminder, these specials end tonight!
  13. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    if billy gets back to me on this then we might get it and split SN
  14. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Just placed a order for some DoDo Juice Austintacious
  15. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    Thanks! I will get that out to you in the morning!
  16. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Where is my wax???

    I ordered it like 18 hours ago!

    WTF :D
  17. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    It actually left earlier today and you should be seeing it very soon! :thumb:

    Let me know what you think of it.
  18. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Got the Austintacious today, dumb apartment office is closed on Sundays...but came in in great condition as always! Thanks again Justin!
  19. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    No problem! Thank you!

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