2009 Monthly Competition

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Still waiting for some voters to vote :waiting:
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead: My vote goes to Billyblooshoes....That Audi was Nasty :gross:
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Sorry, I should have explained. The votes are private, only those I send a PM to can vote, this is done in the background.
  4. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Ooops :paranoia:
  5. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I think I'm waiting for one last vote...I think, I'll double check :shead:
  7. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :chips: :chips:
  9. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  10. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :chips: :chips: :chips:

    Whose the Slacker, this Months already 1/2 over :duh:
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well like I said I'm still waiting for one last vote, I'm in no rush and flash you have to remember the voters have a business/jobs to run so when they have time they vote.

    Besides, prices aren't going anywhere, forum isn't going anywhere, I'm not going any where so I don't see the need to rush.
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    What? Since when did you become an officer around here? Who are you to bring up professionalism? Seems that you know nothing about this forum, how it started, why it started. I started the forum out of pure pleasure, I pay the forum bills out of my hard earned money and I pay for the prices, who are you to question my "professionalism"!!

    I've said it before, if you don't like it please leave save me the hassle of having to ban you. I had warned you once about how you conduct your self around here, I can only put up with so much.
  13. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Sorry if I hurt your feelings

    As far as the Competetion, I actually could care less about it. I just feel if your gonna have this it should be done in a Timely Manner.

    Your Right, I obviously know nothing about how/why this Site was started. I would love to here the Story sometime.

    Being a Contributing Member, albeit a Short time Member, I feel I should be able to express myself without Fear of being Banned.

    I myself would hate to be the OWNER of a Detailing Site, I mean of course ppl are gonna always agree with what you say, and never question anything you do.How can you ever know if your making the right choices when everyone agrees with you all the time.

    To Me a TRUE Freind will point out My Shortcomings, and Encourage Me when the time is Appropiate.

    As far as Prizes Go....I would give out "NOTHING" but an ATTABOY. Why should you have to dig into your on Wallett each Month...

    At the least a Sponsor should be picking up this TAB

    :shead: If this is my final post, I would like to think you all. It really was alot of Fun :giggle:
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Flash maybe you have so much time in your hand that you don't know what to do with it but most member around here work for a living, most of us have lives to live, business to run and dedicate our spare time to forums such as Detailing Bliss. I run Detailing Bliss as I see fit, I've learned that not everyone will appreciate/understand my way of thinking, I'm honest to the members and most importantly I don't hide anything, I have nothing to hide. So for all the members that are here they are here because we share the same vision or have learned to respect my vision/goal/objective.

    We are all here to share, hang out, have fun but we are all responsible adults. I mean if you allow me to enter your home I wouldn't go and start telling you how to run your own house or business for that matter. It's just wrong! I'm always open for suggestions, but a suggestion is one thing an insult is another.

    Why should the sponsors pay for the prizes? Sponsors pay to promote/advertise here at Detailing Bliss, who am I to say to them 'you have to give some freebies to the competitions I created on the forum'. I pay for the prices because it's the fair thing to do, members spend their free time, they go through the trouble of posting their details which takes time to do, to share their details with the members here, so I pay for the prices as a 'thank you for taking the time to be a part of the community and for sharing your details with us'. Like I said you may not understand my logic or my reasons but that's the way I see things.

    I have nothing against members questioning my judgement, I'm only human, I too have blood running through my vain, I'm no saint. But saying I'm not very professional is a cheap shot at me and I'm not about to take a cheap shot when you have no idea the time and effort and money it takes to keep Detailing Bliss running.

    I'm not banning you, but if I get one more complaint from any member here about you, I'll have no choice but to ban you. I get absolutely no pleasure of banning members, in fact it's the part I hate the most and I hate it when members put me in a situation where I have to act as an executioner. So if you wish to continue to be a part of Detailing Bliss I suggest you think before you post!
  15. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Congrats billy, that was a pretty narly Audi!:mounty:
  16. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Congrats Billyblooshoes, This should make your day :gidiup:
  17. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Congratulations...You did one heck of a job...:thumb:
  18. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    hey guys, thanks so much! its really quite an honor to be recognized for ones work on a forum of this caliber, whether it is a positive comment on one of your threads from one of the true pro guys, or being recognized in this fashion for the monthly competition. to those who voted behind the scenes for me, thanks to you too. and especially to carlos for running the best forum i have ever been on, bar-none. i woke up to find a PM from carlos today, and it definitely made my day, so much so that i woke my girlfriend up just to tell her too lol. a million thanks guys! :headbang:
  19. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I know Sleeping Beauty was Estatic to here the news :thud:

    Are you going on the Poker Run Today?
  20. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    the event is tomorrow, but yes i will be attending.

    check the thread for some tech/misc updated

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