This truck is going to be in the Annual 4th of July Parade in Belton, TX... the guy wanted it cleaned up for pulling a float through the parade....
Rims/Tires/Wells: Rims rinsed and pre-soaked with Meg's WB, let sit for 30sec and agitiate with a grout sponge, inside wheels used EZ brush and...
Well next tuesday I will be ordering my Makita and 3M backing plate!!! So I figured I would go ahead and get the post started:applause2: I am...
Got a guy that called me and said he has a semi-truck that wants the engine powerwashed off and his six wheels polished. What do you guys think...
Hey guys still looking for: Menz. APO-60 Opt. Hyper-Compound M105 Please lemme know if you have any to trade! I have to trade: Jetseal...
Well I have to use Zaino for the first time this saturday on an 08 BMW... and well I was reading up on Z to figure out how this stuff works and I...
Anyone tried out Rubbish Boys foam pads or his backing plate? They look pretty promising! Rubbish Boy's
Engine: Applied RL engine degreaser liberally and used long handle bristle brush to agitate. The power washed off and re-applied RL engine...
After several emails to 3M about availability of the sought after UK 3M backing plate, I finally got this as a response: 3M™ Finesse-it™ Contact...
I have a whole gallon of this stuff ready to trade off!!! lets see what's being offered!:mounty: Sorry... not looking for soaps. Guess I should...
Ok, so I started doing a convertible and figured it wouldn't be that tough... I know it has a hard clear, but after doing that BMW M3 and it's...
Title says it all, been wanting to try out a zymol sponge... if you have one you are willing to trade please lemme know. Thanks!!
First UPPPPP.... DETAILERS DOMAIN!!!! My son is as exicted as I am to get these boxes!!! [IMG] [IMG] Very curious as to what this is: [IMG]...
Well I need to get my website up and running and need help picking a host. I don't need anything fancy or expensive, as I don't get alot of...
Well it definately was a pleasure to work on this car... I have never seen anything like it, nor knew of its existance. I was referred to this...
If you enjoy wet sanding you might wanna check this link out... and if its ok with the mods and if everyone wants them I could talk with the owner...
Have a brand new jar of CG 50/50 nvr opened, still sealed! Also have some VRP, alot actually that I'd be willing to trade out as well... Just...
This wax is 8months old and used once. Tin has wear, but wax looks great.... Looking for opti-seal and aquawax in particular
I have the following for trade: PO 115c (Menz Glaze) PO 91e (Menz IP) PO 85u (Menz FP) full jar of XMT 180 looking for pads... pref 5.5", up...
Ok well today Texstar and myself attempted what we thought would be an easy day of removing overspray from a couple of vehicles. They were at a...
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