is raining out and I can not take the boat out and i decided to even washed the truck in the
JS was advertised as a super sealant....Now if just lasts 6-8 weeks on wheels...which do not get hammered as much with UV..pounding...
the rust proofing will come off with Prep Sol.....I did a few cars with overspray of rustproofing and it took it right off.....also kerosene will...
I agree with Porta....the hype on JS109 was good so I grabbed some....lasted about 6 weeks tops and was dying... beading was fading fast....and...
I am using the XL also..but next change going to try the Signature series....heard great reports on it....heard it has great base oils in...
I have used Amsoil for a few years now....told I could run 15,000 with just a filter change at 7500...well i did a few oil analysis with...'s been 17 months since you seen a lot of things.....I heard the stories....I have a little bird that tells me... Al
This product has great durability..I did some faded trim and a week later tried some APC on it to see what would be removed..after the
I support Richy 100% on!t happens....when I spoke to DG it sounded like it was coming out....I myself have tested other stuff for them...
I have the test kit sitting on my desk now.....and after talking to Jerry...I think alot of people will be surprised..and also put a few makers...
To be truthful...i have had it purpleish...yellow tannish....I guess it depends on what color the add that I believe Jerry told me...
Richie..sorry yo hear about your back...i have blown my back out a few times...last time I had acupuncture done and it was like new after 3...
Thats a great find....I found some old stuff at a parts store near me..the wheel cleaner and aluminum cleaner...but yours is a great find.......
well if you want a good cleaner polish..then Megs DACP...its a good cleaner polish....has a learning curve....but does well at cleaning...
Ryan and Rick had shops close to my mom's had a shop in New Hampshire and the other in fact Ryan gets hisstuff from the same...
I use DG 501 as a cleaner type product...but it can be used as a stand alone also.... it has some of the best cleaning action I have seen in a...
I have used the Sam's Club and Costco MF's for awhile..and no problems...and the CD test is not all that some use a softer plastic...
The Collinites are very good waxes....actually they are hybrids...meaning a combo of a polymer and bang for the buck if you want a...
When exhaust is causing heat like that to a know your exhaust valves are hot also...I would be careful as to not over cook the valves......
Just heat some water up in a pan..set 845 in it for a few minutes....then shake..its like water then...and spreads for ever... Al
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