I am really wanting to get into a small mobile detail business, and to try and keep down the amount of product I carry, and to keep my costs down, I was wondering if there is anything that can be a great degreaser, yet be diluted down to an app, glass cleaner and even a carpet cleaner...? I know simple green covers those bases, but idk if standard simple green is tint safe or not, or if theres anything better... Thanks! Andrew
Most any APC (All-Purpose Cleaner) is very flexible. I'll add 1Z Cockpit Premium to that flexible products list.
^^^ what he said, but I would just pick up some Megs glass cleaner, cheap and it dilutes out. Im a stoners fan, and this changed my mind.
I really like Zep Citrus you can get it for $10 a gallon at home depot and it beats simple green easily. You can use it at 4:1 and 3:1 for carpets, LSP removal, wheels, tire, wheel wells, exhaust tips, trim, use it at 10:1 or higher for vinyl, interior plastics (non-clear). As for glass you can buy a gallon Zep Ammonia Free Glass cleaner its a concentrate and 1 gallon makes 32...yes 32 its a 32:1dilution and can be used to clean tinted glass, exterior glass, clear plastics electronics, etc. it is also $10 at home depot and will last you forever.:thumb:
I'd say ONR is pretty flexible, ways I use it.... ..Rinseless Wash ..Clay lube ..Detail spray ..wipe down interiors ..interior windows
1Z Cockpit Premium is nice, but PRICEY! I like Majestic Solutions Tidal Wave, 1:1 can clean an engine, 10:1 can clean an interior - doesn't get more flexible or cheaper than that. Also, just tried 3D's LVP cleaner, I like that for interiors right much, it has a leather like smell that doesn't stick around to stink up the interior later. And MS's Super Green 3:1 makes a good wheel/tire cleaner. If the tires are REALLY nasty, get Wesley's Bleech White - great stuff, just be careful using it and you'll be ok.