New Profile Posts

  1. scottBT
    Never purchased from states as of yet Rikki, dont forget you will have import taxes to add on top etc, somethings will be cheap some not so.
  2. bryansbestwax
    bryansbestwax 911Fanatic
    hey dude, found a gmc van for five grand
  3. 1towman
    1towman advs1
    Hey please send me info on the snow foamer that you sell. Also do sell the soap along with the lance? I can be reached @ [email][/email]

    thanx, ben
  4. timbervin
    timbervin rcalcaide
    Happy B'Day to U !
  5. kc1337
    kc1337 blacK20
  6. opc
    opc vxrmarc
    hi i want to asck you something do you have a msn or yahoo where you can speak , im from romania i have a astra opc (astra vxr) blue one and i want to asck you a few tips abouth wath you done under the bonnet. i really enjoy look at you r car. thanks
  7. Paul Dalton aka Miracle
    Paul Dalton aka Miracle temper454
    Dont I know you??? :)

  8. bryansbestwax
    bryansbestwax Dust2Glory
    michael, how long have you had the rightlook trailer
  9. Emile
    Emile agpatel
    What does this friend thingy do?
  10. Nica
    No, not yet. I should be receiving them in December though. Machine shop received a large order from an oil company and these days such orders are rare and few so it took priority over my extensions :shrug:
  11. markwatson157
    markwatson157 rcalcaide
    Sorry for the delay, payment has been sent...........Again thanks.
  12. markwatson157
    markwatson157 SSTG
    If not sold I will like the fuzion. This is markwatson157. Just pm me with the total. I live in va. Also is there by any chance that you have some RBOE that wanna get rid of? You can reach me at [email][/email] or call me at 8048190549. Thanks
  13. rtrt2889
    rtrt2889 advs1
    Happy Birthday man!
  14. Tony Spears
    Tony Spears R1KK1 BFG
    Hi Ricky
    I run training courses in the UK.
  15. rawling73
    heys guys i was wondering if anyone knew of a good detailer in the norwalk, CT area. ive been a fan of this forum. my brother recently moved up their and wants his car cleaned up and detailed if possible. we are from texas and didnt know much of the new england area.
  16. stampman
    I love my car :)
  17. R1KK1 BFG
    R1KK1 BFG Paul Dalton aka Miracle
    Paul i meaild info@miracledetail ... not sure if thats right but the one u told me to the other day :)
  18. slanguage
    slanguage John in PA
    Where in Bucks County do you live?
    Do you just detail your own vehicles?
  19. Bonilla
    Bonilla billy
    Billy: my counselor, my friend, my brother.
  20. slanguage
    slanguage Dust2Glory
    Got the wax today. Thanks for a sweet deal!!