Zymol Carbon Application?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by J BELL, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    It says to not let it dry on the surface....1 panel at a time then remove or what? :shead:
  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I do one two pannels, then remove in the order i applied it....so apply to the front fender and door, then remove from fender then door....works well for me
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    how long should it sit before removal? I have the Titanium Estate Glaze.
  4. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    as lon as it takes to apply and remove, i think 30 seconds is recomended but i find the two pannel system works well
  5. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Im applying it on top of a sealant...that seems like a short time for it to bond! But i havent used it and ur analysis is consistent with the directions..i will try this out and report back this weekend..thanks!
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Um..I once made the mistake on applying the wax to the entire vehicle and left it on for a bit too long :whistle: lets just say I'll never do that again.

    With Vintage on the other hand you can apply it and leave it on over night and no issues what's so ever.

    Any who, the moral of the story is that don't let Carbon sit for too long, it's not like Vintage so like Calgarydetail said apply panel per panel or two panels but it's really climate/ambient dependent and wipe off. If you can do it with two people that works best, one applies and another removes/buff's off.

    Any who just my opinion.
  7. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    ^^You are not alone there Nica. I did the same on my Lexus with Zymol Creme haha
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, I live by term "trial and error" :shakehead: I just love learning the hard way I tell ya :giggle:

    I don't mind though, some experiences are really good wile others..well not so good :shrug:
  9. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    just used carbon yesterday, zymol recommends to work 12 x 12 sections - apply then immediately wipe off. but i've found i can apply to a surface area that is half the size of a bmw 3 series hood w/o a problem.

    another tip is to apply by hand; gently dig your finger into the wax and place some into your palm. rub it between your hands until it breaks down then apply it to the paint surface. you can put enough on your hands to do an entire section w/o having to go back to your tub - a great time saver. i use a 'cheap' MF to remove the excess from my hands b4 reaching for the uber MF that i use to remove it from the paint, this prevents the excess from my hands getting onto my uber MF.
  10. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    What were your impressions haper? The smell, color, and consistency remind me of natty's blue.....what kind of look did you get?
  11. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Ugh! Yep, I've done that as well. And you're right - it's a mistake you're unlikely to repeat.

    When I use Carbon, I put it on in probably a 2x2' square if I'm working on something large, like a hood or a roof. For smaller panels (front fenders of an S2000, for instance), I'll do the entire panel. Applicator in one hand, and clean MF in the other. Once I'm done applying to the section I'm working, I count to ten, and then buff it off.

    It's a nice wax, nice depth, and I used it for years. I've switched to RBOE, but still have a pot of Carbon in the fridge. A pot of that stuff lasts forever!
  12. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    it has a nice smell and is blue in color. its hard to explain, but when i dig my finger into it i don't get larger chucks of wax but instead smaller pieces like soap shavings. it breaks down quickly in my hands and is easy to apply. removal isn't as easy, if you let it dry you really need to scrub it get it off. if you don't let it dry it smears like crazy and you end up using a ton of MF towels.

    i'm a DIY, and a few years back i almost finished my tub of carbon and when my wife 'surprised' me w/ a new tub of carbon (she wasn't aware of my eagerness to try something else), so i'm trying to finish that tub second tub off. so i don't have anything to really compare it to, but from what i've read, the zymol line below glasur (sp?) is not very good.

    here's a excerpt from FMINUS on waxes:
    Zymol line, start with Glasur and move up, all the rest below are junk.
    swissVax line, start with Saphir and move up.
    p21s 100% carnuba – too expensive for what it gives
    p21s – not good

    name the list I really like:
    #1 Vintage
    #2 Concourse

    Other waxes I love:
    VW Red
    SV Mystery
    SV Concorso
    SV Smaraged
    Z Glasur
    Z Atlantique
    RB OE
    TOL Trade Secret
    CG 5050
    CG 53
    FK Pink Wax
    Lusso Oro
    Collinite Insulator
    Collinite Marquise​
  13. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    I understand, but to be honest those that use the high end waxes like Vintage, Crystal Rock, etc. would almost all think carbon is junk. Its not really a fair comparison in my opinion....I have never used those really high end waxes but since i use Clearkote, CG 5050, 1Z Hart Glanz, Natty's Blue....it is a tad bit on the higher end for me that is the only reason i am trying it, we will know after this weekend! Thanks to all that have replied

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