So,this girl I've been seeing for a couple weeks comes over tonight. Now usually she doesnt go into my utility/wash room. Well last night I was on a really really long transfer of a patient and we're texting ( the guy was really REALLY mental, thought he was Michael Jackson-honestly). She says she's washing clothes. I txt her back and say- i've gotta lot of clothes to wash too. So she says she'll come down and wash them for me (really really sweet girl). So she comes over and I show her where the washer/dryer are. Well she sees my bins full of m/f towels, wash mitts, applicator pads and LC pads and she goes- You're obsessed or something. Anyone else got that reaction?? Or something similar. I'm glad I covered up all the empty boxes I had. I should have covered up my product collection too. She'll really think I'm mental if she sees that. Oh Happy Day Heath:dupe:
yea. my gf is the voice of reason for me when buying. I'll talk to her about buying vintage, PD's new wax and she thinks I'm crazy. Kind of keeps me balanced and spreads out my not neccesary orders. However, I notice that she is ok with whatever I buy, as long as she gets something. lol Just kidding, shes a good girl.
I would like to use that as defense, but my current girl really isnt into material things that much. I mean she likes nice things, but doesnt necessary need it/get it. lol i just remembered. I was using her iphone when i was talking to phil @ dd on my last order. She said, I think you and phil have a secret love affiar going on. LOLOL I busted out laughing.
My wife thinks i should be in Detailing Anonymous............:tiptoe: I sneak in all my new stuff from her...........
I don't tell the little Italian nutin. She would hang me out to dry if she saw my receipts. Thank God for business accounts is all I can say. :applause2:
Did someone say problem, no problem here, nope not a single problem...that's why I hang out here lots Hahah all joking a side, I'm very blessed to have such an understading wife :worship: :worship: but beleave it or not I too have a limit and well I'm very, very business driven and my wife knows this so she trusts me very much and knows that all I do has a purpose in the long run Besides I love being in denial :cheerl: :cheerl:
As long as I continue to keep the GF's car in tip-top shape, she doesn't compain, think I'm werid, or too obsessive.
hha i have met your wife... she is a very understanding women....really... i have seen the pics of th orders... i thin you have more sq footage of detailing products then i do of house space
What a pair Cooter is also a species of turtle If pooter was also a species, that would have been perfect.