Your TDS?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Chaseme, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    A few days before Christmas I bought myself the Griot's Garage TDS (Total Dissolved Solids Meter) so I started playing around with it measuring my tap water.

    My straight-from-faucet water at my house (city water) was around 240. That water from my 3 month old Brita filter measured about 108. Some generic distilled water was 1. Then I took the meter to my parent's house (well water) and it spiked to around 350ish.

    Needless to say, I want a spotless water filtration system badly.

    What are you guys seeing at your places?
  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Our house is on a well as well. May have to get one of those and test it.
  3. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Im afraid to test.
  4. RaskyR1

    RaskyR1 Jedi Nuba

    At my shop/garage in Shakopee it's in the mid to upper 200's. My house in Eden Prairie is actually pretty low for city water at around 170-180ppm. CR resin goes a lot further at home. :)
  5. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Water Supply Classifications (Water Quality Research Council)

    United States Water Hardness Map, What is my water hardness?

    Total dissolved solids (TDS) measured in grains per gallon (GPG)

    • Soft Water- 0 to 1 grains per gallon
    • Slightly Hard Water- 1 to 3.5 grains per gallon
    • Moderately Hard Water- 3.5 to 7 grains per gallon
    • Hard Water - 7 to 10.5 grains per gallon
    • Very Hard Water - over 10.5 grains per gallon

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