Goal for this year is to look toward the future and hope for the best, finish out college with a high note and land a job...
My goal is to hopefully "slow down" some and enjoy more of life. I've grown tired of how quickly the days, weeks and months are flying by! Hey, I can wish right?...
My immediate goal is to recuperate quickly from my surgery and get mobile as soon as possible. Financially, I want to learn more about Forex and grow my accounts there. I want to continue to grow my reputation for detailing cars and lastly get in better shape.
Goals huh..hmm...boy I've got lots to do this year (2010). Personal goals, will be training for the half marathon, stay in shape and detail as much as I can :thumb: Professional/financial goals, looking forward to a higher position at work :thumb:. Financially I took a beating in 2009 so 2010 will be recovery time for me but one great thing about taking a beating is that you learn from it and like richy I too will be educating my self finically for 2010. Forum, boy there is lots to do, 2010 will be a great year for Detailing Bliss
my goal hmm i guess YouTube - Drunk guy singing in a shower to the o fortuna !MUST SEE! if not just enjoy my time at CFB borden and my 6 month class in Kingston Ontario
My goal is continue growing in my new professional career, obtain all my necessary financial licenses such as the 6, 63, 66, and 7 as well as start studying for my CFA so I can start trading with the big boys at work. Also, like Carlos I am training for a half Marathon in May and hopefully a full one by next year. I also want to find a good happy place, been an odd last half of the year and I am just starting to find my niche in life with good people and good things around me.
start trying to save some money, be more financially responsible, expand my detailing business/pick up some more clients, and hopefully apply for and take the Philadelphia Fire Dept exam. those are my main points. all in all, i've got a lot i'd like to accomplish this year though.
Better to make that your first priority buddy. Dead with a bunch of money is still dead. And if your dead I'm one old guy closer to John! Me too. Went out for lunch today and they had a scale at the restaurant. WTF? Anyway, lets just say I'll be on treadmill soon. Me too. I had to have a tampon surgically implanted in my ass to stop the bleeding! This is so important. I've been through a couple crappy years and need to get back some of that balance.
today i started writing down all of my expenses in excel. will try very hard to get a new job so by next year me and my gf can get our own place. will try very hard to spend as less as i can and only spend money on car or detailing that i make and not from my salary
doing this car cleaning thing full time in spring. Lots of other things as well, but I will have to wait to spill those beans. I am riding again, hoping to shed about 40lbs, maybe 50lbs to get back to my riding weight before I had a son. Eat better, live better, give back more to the community.
Personal goals Tried to get in a better shape man need to loose 10kg asap back start hurting so much spend more quality time with my family financially recover for the 2009 that it was awe full here in Brazil and try to consolidate my shops at the local market (been traveling so much business and go on line store) like richy and carlos re educated my self financially
Having had a really rough 2009 coupled with a few roughish years prior I am wanting to get myself resettled and focussed again in 2010. 2009 was a year I would sooner forget, although it did have it's plus points. The last half of 2009 seems to be a blur, perhaps stemming from the emotional overload of having lost a 3rd of the years income as well as loosing my closest friend. Aside from that I am currently employed at a place I have increasing grown to loath, doing a job I have become utterly bored at doing. The $$$ is good however and financially I have managed to get things back on track with positive bank balances after last years losses. As a result of Grant's passing myself and my wife have become alot closer which is one of the few good things (if I can put it that way) to have come from last year. In any event in 2010 I want to start exercising again and complete my IT studies. On the job front I am aiming to either switch careers to something I get more enjoyment and satisfaction from, or take my chances at flying solo in the self employment arena... Overall I am glad to have seen the back of 09' and am really, really hoping 2010 is a better year for me and my wife, as well as for all of you :thumb:
Best of luck to everyone with their goals! I too want to continue to grow personally and professionally in the coming year - and keep refining my hobby as a "weekend warrior" detailer as well :applause2:. Interesting - Chas, I don't mean to pry, but wondered something about your list (just curiosity). As far as financial licensing goes, the 7 gives you everything the 6 does and more, and the 66 gives you everything the 63 does and more (essentially just a combo license for the 63 and 65). So why are the 6 and 63 deemed "necessary" for your career if you're also pursuing the 7 and 66 at the same time? Unless I'm missing something, they seem completely redundant. :shrug: CFA is quite prestigious - best of luck with your tests! :thumb:
Even though I know the 2010 (or any year for that matter) is a superficial marker and catalyst for people to change things, I can't help it. I plan on getting back to the gym, reading a bit more, and being a little more social. As far as detailing goes, I'm done with purchasing things left and right. I've been pretty good with this as of late, but still have some old products as reminders of my binge spending. My most expensive wax to date that I've purchased is $30 I believe, and I'm very proud that I haven't gotten swept up in all of the hype. I do have some higher end wax samples that a good friend has sent me. Come to think of it, I have some outstanding "debts" for samples and such from some members that I need to fulfill soon.
Wow, where do I begin, haha! I really really need to get rid of my credit card debt ( partically do to Detailers Domain, thanks Phil. J/K ) I need to learn to stop spending like money grows on tree's. I also need to figure out my life, my job has it's good side and bad ( I work in a body shop ) biggest problem is I just don't feel chalenged enough so I don't care about and the pay just sucks, but I do have a job that lets me do side jobs to make extra money. Like everyone I want to go to the gym more and really work on cardio to have more energy. The most important thing I want to do this year and every year after is travel around the world. I have such a travel bug right now and I want to see everything amazing in the world! Besides a cruise I haven't been out of the country, so I plan on doing that. Maybe I should add learning another language to that list, haha. Hope everyone has a great year!
I would also hope that shipping from Europe won't cost so much, because that 10 liter Scholl Crack 9000 will cost just as much as real crack (after enourmous shipping rate)...:applause2: j/koke: