This would be a hard choice. Provided there were no negative defects such as swirling, burning, etc. You can either.... Always have a car with clean paint and dirty wheels or Always have a car with clean wheels and dirty paint Not like caked on dirt but dusty. I think I have to go with clean wheels.
Well that's a tough one, so I wont pick either :hmph: lol all joking aside, I don't like dirty rims nor do I like dirty vehicles..if only one had to be cleaned I honestly don't know which I would pick as they are both important...mmm..tough choice :shead: :shead: That's why simple wash is not so simple any more, a simple wash now takes me hours to complete, sometimes being ignorant is not such a bad thing :shrug:
Now if you always had dirty wheels do you have the option to clean them every now and then or do they always have to stay dirty??
I would have to say it depends because whatever part is dirty, would be the color of my car's paint/wheels so you couldn't tell if it was really dirty or not.
Well, after a week both my paint and wheels are dirty, wo either of those choices would be an improvement over what I deal with now! But if you're asking which one I'd rather clean more frequently, I would rather clean the paint more often. I dislike cleaning wheels.
I would say I'd rather have always have a car with clean paint and dirty wheels. All maintenance aside, buying and repainting new wheels is cheaper/easier than buying a new car or having the whole car repainted, right?
same here with me...clean car w/ dirty wheels. wheels can come and go, whereas the paint is permanent. so taking care of the paint would be a higher priority for me.
Hyper Black is apparently the "new hawtness" or is that already "played?" Problem with black rims is that they look terrible on some cars depending on paint color.
I choose dirty paint and clean wheels. I have non-metallic black paint, so unless I wash it everysingle day, its going to look dusty or dirty.
CLEAN WHEELS FTW .. i hate having dirty wheels .. even if you have a clean car and the wheels are dirty .. the car looks dirty IMO