WTT Nattys Red, Max Wax

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by B.Prug87, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. B.Prug87

    B.Prug87 Guest

    I have the following products to Trade:
    Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0
    Poor Boys Natty Red
    DP Max Wax
    Pinnacle Adavance Swirl remover & Finishing Polish - both a little under 1/2 Full
    Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover & Finishing Glaze 3.0 - TSR a little under 1/2 - FG 2/3
    Nattys Red was used once by me only and the Max wax was used once by the original owner and i used it on my door jams on my WRX once.

    What im looking for:
    Amazing Roll Off
    1Z cockpit Premium Cleaner or 1Z Plastic and vinyl Deep Cleaner
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    How could you trade Natty's Red away?! I love that stuff.
  3. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    I have a full bottle of FK425 that I haven't used. All I did was put the knozzle in there lol. Want to trade that plus some Black Hole for Natty's red?
  4. B.Prug87

    B.Prug87 Guest

    Last year i got the LSP bug and i have plunty of LSPs i havent tired. I have Nattys Blue which ill keep. I figure the Red would be worth more case i need other product

    I dont have any interest in black hole. Do you have any interior cleaners?
  5. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    I have a sample of CG lightening fast cleaner thing. Also got a bottle of Folex I haven't opened either lol
  6. B.Prug87

    B.Prug87 Guest

    list updated
    Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant
  7. B.Prug87

    B.Prug87 Guest

    I am also up for any interior cleaners that dont require to be mixed or cut to be safely used. What i want is something to remove dust and finger prince from plastic and vinyl and clean some mud and grim off of the pedal assemblies. Also looking for a good cleaner & conditioner for leather/vinyl seats
  8. B.Prug87

    B.Prug87 Guest

    Full bottle of Wolfgang Deep Gloss sealant

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