WTT: FK425 and 1Z Blitz

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by dankfanatic, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    16oz of blitz left.
    16oz of 425 left.

    looking for some werkstat AJT!
  2. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Argh, why do you have to be in SoCal!!? (not that I have ATJ right now to trade)
  3. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    what were u looking for? PM me a list of stuff u can give up
  4. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    I am on my phone right now and cudnt find ur pm link but I have a 90 percent full bottle of AJT but not the trigger version and about half a bottle of carnauba jett trigger. Wud be interested in fk425. If ur interested u cud pm me.

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