WTT: Dodo Juice and SV Onyx

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by alexd10, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. alexd10

    alexd10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    So I ended up with 2 pots of each of the following waxes and decided to try and trade for something I need more. This is what I have:

    - 1 new pot of Dodo Juice Austintacious - opened but never used
    - 1 used pot of Swissvax Onyx - about 70% full

    This is what I need:

    - Menzerna 203, and maybe other Menz polishes
    - CG Pete's 53
    - New pads - Uber is preferred
    - Meguiars 205

    I would be open to adding cash for a package that I like. So please PM with any offers.
  2. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    I have a brand new bottle of 205 and sip I can trade for onyx, plus some black flat ccs pads
  3. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Get the Austintacious Mike!!!!
  4. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    i have pete's 53
  5. alexd10

    alexd10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Anyone else? I prefer getting polishes and/or pads for these.
  6. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    i pm'ed you you did not reply lol
  7. alexd10

    alexd10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Onyx still available for sale or trade. Dodo is sold.

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