This is a spare jar of Souvern I bought. The other day, looking at the other 15 LSP's I have, I realized I will never get through a single jar. So, why have a second? I figured I'd see what you guys would be willing to trade. I'm open to anything car care related, not just LSPs. -Nick
trying to think what i have else i have to trade hmmm .. i have a half gallon of pinnacle q/d crystal mist!!!! i can do that and a bottle new of 1z cockpit... let me know
maybe toss out some hints on what you might be interested to try or looking for just as a guideline for some folks.
Good call... I'm interested in anything car care related, but I have a decent chemical collect to start with. I have/have used a ton of chemical, so making a list of what I have would take for ever. I don't really have anything in particular in mind. With that said, things that aren't detailing staples and tools are probably the best bet. I have a 1/2-2/3 full jar that has a cracked lid that I taped, maybe I'd be easier trading that.