worst fender roll ive seen

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by wwevo8, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    i got my finders rolled today and its the worst i have ever seen

  2. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Wow ... I'm speechless. I hope you are suing ...
  3. Dubbin1

    Dubbin1 Jedi Nuba

    Let me guess, you and a buddy tried doing it yourselves?
  4. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    on the receipt its say not liable for any damages with the work performed :doh:
  5. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    nope if that was the case i wouldnt be posting it up lol haha it was at a performance shop called vex motorsports
  6. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    what did they use, a rolling pin?
  7. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    they used a fender roller and a heat gun thats why I am at a loss for words :hmph:
  8. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Helen Keller must have done that work.
  9. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    time to buy new fenders and paint them. $$
  10. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    they didn't use the fender rolling tool and they didn't warm up the panel ...

    Did you check any of their previous work? I don't let anyone touch my car unless they got legit references and I can see current work at the shop. Most of the time I just do the crap myself ...
  11. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    they use the heat gun to pound out the fender? Yeah, obviously lack of skill right there.
  12. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    :rollinglaugh: thats for sure
  13. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    The "not liable for anything going wrong" crap would have been a red light for me..... If they don't stand behind their work, then they most be a crappy shop....
  14. Dubbin1

    Dubbin1 Jedi Nuba

    Well I'm sure you can still go after them since the job wasn't done correctly. Also there is no way hell I would let some one do a job that wont guarantee their own work.

    Take them to court, you will win.

    Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  15. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    they actually are a very well known shop in the san jose area and are known for there good work i have no idea what happened

    the guy said with srt4 the paint is known to crack on the inside a little bit but it ended up cracking the paint on the outside of the finder
  16. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    And they didn't tell you this BEFORE the work was done?
  17. Petrucci_M3

    Petrucci_M3 Jedi Nuba

  18. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    true true! i have a guy that does dent work and painting(he owes me a favor) so im going to have him smooth everything out and respray the that area and go from there.

    with just opening my shop about 7 months ago the last thing i want to get involved in is a court battle. I think im just going to take this with a grain of salt and see how it comes out with dent work and paint
  19. wwevo8

    wwevo8 Birth of a Detailer

    the told about the paint being at risk of cracking but my tires were rubbing to the point where it was starting to suck the finder in so i said as long as it its just the inside thats fine
  20. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    I bet if you had a Ford Fusion, he would have said: "with the Fusion the paint is known to crack on the inside a little bit but it ended up cracking the paint on the outside of the fender" LOL I think he was just trying to make an excuse for a sh!tty job.

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